Panel safety

Installation of drywall brought the panel cover out approx. 1/2". Where you can slide your finger in. If this was only problem except using pointed screws, would anyone write this as a defect.


You almost have to, to cya. But i wouldn’t make a huge deal out of it.


Does that mean you wouldn’t include it in the summary as a safety defect?

My policy is to report all electrical defects with one exception: If all I find wrong is a white conductor on a breaker without black ink or tape, I keep it to myself because I consider it to be so minor as to not warrant a fee from an electrician. (If I find anything else, however, I report everything…even the white conductor.)

I would mention it as needing correction.
How is it any different from a missing blank Chris?



I already included it along with sheet metal screws at panel in summary, and sent out report before post #5.

I appreciate the veteran inspectors that posted on this thread and that we’re on the same page. No pun intended.

Do you want my opinion? I am giving it anyway so no need to answer…lol

While it should fit tight…and yes we can’t fix stupid…rememeber you are not code officials so to me write it up…don’t blare it as a major issue and offer a way to make it safer…give them safety advice.

If small kids are around…have them put a velcro strip at the top to keep it shut and less chance of a small child opening it. It has a cover on it so maybe keep that shut and so on…remind them when removing the cover to keep the door closed and so on…many things can be said in the line of safety advice…but I would document it…but not flame it out as something critical in my view based on the images…now the screws indeed have them replaced…and note that as a important thing to prevent future unsafe conditions.

In regards to the sharp tipped screws…

I decided several years ago, that I wasn’t going to risk a short by re-installing the sharp screws. However, i didn’t feel comfortable leaving the dead front off either. So I went to the hardware store and purchased several packages of the electrical box blunt screws, put them in an old medicine bottle and threw them in my tool bag. For the small investment, I’ve had numerous clients who were very thankful for that simple act of kindness/safety. I’m safe, their safe, and the problem is solved. (they are also nice to have when you drop one and you can’t find it.) And yes, I have a standard comment that document what was discovered, and what was done in response to that.

Depending on the installation the re-identification of the white conductor still may be code compliant since this requirement hasn’t been in the NEC for very long.