I’m Rick Hynum, communications director for HomeSafe Home Services. Just to clear the air, HomeSafe does not claim to own any patents on IR cameras. Our patents, which are owned in part by the University of Mississippi, cover certain methods that have been proven to be necessary and highly effective in the usage of IR cameras in the residential building inspection and termite detection processes. We also own patents on acoustic (listening) devices and related software which, used in combination with IR scanning, can quickly and non-destructively pinpoint the exact location of a termite infestation.
Peng Lee developed HomeSafe’s patented IR inspection and IR/acoustic inspection procedures as part of a U.S. Department of Agriculture-funded project at the University of Mississippi’s National Center for Physical Acoustics in the 1990s. As the project’s principal investigator, Mr. Lee established a set of protocols for IR usage in home (residential building) inspections and termite detection. Patent applications to protect these procedures were then filed. Mr. Lee and Kevin Seddon began working together in 2000 as subcontractors on an acoustics-related project for the U.S. Department of Defense and later transferred Lee’s intellectual property to a jointly owned company, HomeSafe Inspection, Inc. They have been continuously promoting IR and IR/acoustic inspection procedures by franchising and licensing with HomeSafe-branded partner companies, independent home inspectors and pest control operators across the U.S. as well as in the Philippines and South Africa. After a lengthy and exhaustive review process that lasted many years and cost HomeSafe hundreds of thousands of dollars, the USPTO has approved many of our patent applications. Several additional applications are still under review.
Once the patents were issued, Mr. Lee and Mr. Seddon decided to license the use of these procedures to any home inspector. We firmly believe that most IR home inspectors want to use IR to its fullest capacity and to provide the highest-quality home inspection possible. HomeSafe has developed a license program that is affordable for any home inspector and also offers, but does not require, additional IR and IR/acoustic home inspection training and certification.
It is HomeSafe’s intent to work with industry associations, training organizations and other interested parties to help establish industry-wide standards for IR usage in home inspections and to ensure that all home inspectors utilizing IR are properly trained in the most effective methods. However, we recognize that Flir, Fluke, Raytheon and other manufacturers produce high-quality IR cameras, and we would never dispute anyone’s right to sell these devices nor to provide IR inspection training. In fact, HomeSafe is already working with or in communication with many of these manufacturers.
Having said that, HomeSafe is required to protect its investment in the patents and will therefore seek to stop all unlicensed usage of our patented processes.
If anyone feels that we have made an error in contacting them about IR usage in home inspections, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know.
Rick Hynum
HomeSafe Home Services