Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In some of my most recent emails with Joe Kelly I have come accross some interesting information which I would share with any interested party. Our discussions mostly deal with the lie Mr. Kelly is spreading around about NACHI members not being compliant with PA law and their ability to legally perform inspections in PA.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
From what I have read on the PHIC web site, even the rich will be hurting after trying to become a home inspector according to their fee shedule. According to my estimates using the figures on their web site you will be approximately $116,725 poorer and still not a full member of ASHI. Although at this point in time you can ask them for full membership! Who knows if they will give it to you. Better option, JOIN NACHI!!
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ASHI’s site which tries to bilk new PA inspectors out of $24,00.00 each is http://www.PHIC.info Check out the program overview of their mentoring program.
Originally Posted By: Richard Stanley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
WOW! I assume the main purpose of the coalition is to limit competition. Now I understand why NACHI was founded. Do the mentoring specifications apply to NACHI by law also? I’m glad I’m in TX. Is there a link to read the Pa. Law? Texas used to have a sponsorship requirement. That is still an avenue to licensure, but there are alternative education requirements that can be met to circumvent the sponsorship route. This was added a few years ago because there not enough inspectors to meet the demand. The waiting time exceeded contract option periods. Most of the inspectors were not eager to sponsor a newbie because of the liability risk.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello Richard,
It is a shame but that is what happened here also. Essentially, the PHIC and ASHI fought hard in the PA congress to have the law passed in the form they wanted. In doing so they eliminated competition because the law would not allow new inspectors to enter the profession.
Fortunately they say the wisdom in allowing new inspectors and amended the law to include those actively involved members working toward full membership. ASHI and PHIC claimed a victory because the law state they must be accompained by a full member and the report has to be signed. That basically put the MENTOR program in place which would allow the full members to make money off new members working toward full membership. Now you understand their driving force! $$$$$$$$$ and more $$$$$$$$$
Originally Posted By: Daniel Keogh This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We have a very poor home inspection law in PA. I personaly would support Sate Liecening ( I know I can’t spell. Chris when are we getting spell check on this thing). State liecencing would diminish the control that asso’s have over the industry and would force there roll to change. Asso. would and should exist to help raise the level of professionalism of its members. Curently Some Asso’s are acting like regultory bodies attemping to dictate to the inspector on every aspect of the inspectors business.
It appears that there is an asso. out there that is representing itself to the fedral and state goverments as a none profit voice of the industry but competes in the market place like a for profit corp.
There is currenty a movement by an asso to brand there name on the industry. I recomend to all home inspector to watch this campaine very carfuly this could have a very negative affect on our industry or on just some of us in the industry.
While I do think that standards of pratice and code of ethics are good for the industry, and that having laws to define and limit what a home insection is or isn't is good. While I also think that having a voice in the state and fedral goverments to express the needs and concerns of our industry is good . I can not suport an Asso. that scews the laws to benifit only there members and not all home inspectors. I feel that members of an asso. that go out into the market place and declare that they and only they comply with the law and that all others are not certified to do what they do hurts our industy.
I have never before been involved in an industry that has so much trash take and such negative over tones. It is disapointing that the industry leader has chosen to lead this way. Very poor leadership in my opion and leadership that hurts the industry in a time when there are so many important issues on teh table. A good leader would be working to bring us all togeather to better the industry.
And that's all I have to say about that. Now if you will excuss me I have to get down off my soap box and get a beer.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I guess it depends on which way you look at our law. If the other association had gotten what they wanted you and I would not be here right now as inspectors talking about the law.
The other association helped draft our law. I truly believe our congress had the wisdom to circumvent every effort that was made on their part to close the profession while trying to maintain some level of expertise or experience. Would you not agree Dan?
I certainly agree that the association that you mentioned is only out to profit and not to address the needs of the industry and the inspectors that they should be serving. My one true dream is that those members wake up and stop sending them money to continue with this nonsense.
I do disagree with you on the state licensing issue. Politics has no place in the home inspection industry. Adding politics will not raise the level of professionalism in the industry, just the cost. Members like us should be aware that only we can raise the level of professionalism in our industry. We should be working together, helping each other to take some of that professionalism away from those who lie to the public. Exposure of what they really stand for will hurt them the most.
I really think the only question left is, "who out there is ready and willing to take on this fight"? Which one of us is going to stop talking about it and do it? Who is going to help Nick by taking over the legislative part of this campaign? How about you Dan? Who else is willing to help?
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Great post. Trouble is everyone thinks you're talking about NACHI when I know with regard to legislative steering and industry monopolization you were referring not to NACHI but to...ah what the hell, get me a beer too.
Originally Posted By: Daniel Keogh This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick I think that it was cleat I wasn’t speaking about NACHI. I think that NACHI has done a great deal to help new inspectors. As a young Asso. NACHI has its work cut out for itself. It is a shame that other more establised Asso. do not feel compeled to help insteads they seem to go to graet lengths to eliminate smaller Asso. The requierment that a asso. must have members in 10 state ia a good example. This in my opiion is an anti competative clause in our law designed to pervent new asso. from starting up and making it very dificult for young asso. to qualifiy.
As far as things being politcal ....Things have been poltical for quit some time. I can't say that I disagree with all that ASHI ( there nick I said there name) is try to do. The raiseing of standards and defining what exaxtly a home inspection is, the repercentation of industry concerns to the state and Fed. goverments to better the industry, The promotion of the need for home inspections, and serval other things that I'm just not skilled enough to put in to words right now, are good for every one. And I think that there are several member of ASHI and NAHI and a host of other Asso. that are very commited to these goals. Its the exclusion of other Asso. ( home inspectors who some of witch are very competent) and minipulation of the process to only benifit some of the inspectors in the industry that I feel is very hamful and just plain bull.
State Liecening would probaly be less expensive than the current system that is propoed by ASHI. If the state had a sonered corse and test there whould at least be a minum uniform standard. This could help to eliminate some of teh bull sh** artist in our industry. You either have a liecence or you don't. The state could impose strict penalties for vilolaters. Home Buyers and Real Estate professional would only have to ask to see your State. ID # and they could chek that on the state web site. The roll of Asso. would be diminished to what is should be. You whould say to a buyer or to an agent that you are state LI and that you are aslo a member of such and such an asso. Your Asso status would be second to youe sate qualifications.
See what the beer does to me 
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The subject of licensing the HI industry is near and dear to me. I am a free enterprise kind of guy. I believe anat anyone should be able to enter our profession providing that (1) he has proper E&O insurance, (2) he understands the nature of real estate transactions and RE law (since our inspections affect the transaction or may nullify an offer to purchase subject to the inspection report), (3) he carry proper liability insurance, (4) he is bonded, (5) he is able to pass a state recognized exam of some sort, (6) he abide by a code of ethics regarding his obligations to his client and the way in which he conducts himself. All the legislative mumbo jumbo proposed by ASHI misses the mark, if the goal is to protect the consumer. The only way to effectively do that is to eliminate influencing an inspection by unscrupulous RE agents at all costs. No one wants to address this critical issue.
Beyond that, legislation is little more than protectionism at its finest (or lowest). Money is the driving force behind these proposals.
But on to more important things... Getting the word about regarding NACHI. We need to contact each and every member in our database. We need to set up regionalized working groups. We need to go on an agressive recruiting campaign. We need to dispell all rumours. Are we ASHI? NO! Are er NAHI? NO! We're better than both, though smaller. I suggest we collectively brainstorm on the issue. I like NACHI. I like the folks in NACHI. We have some truly good folks in the industry. Let's contact them and solicit them to join us. But, in order to do that, we need to fiund an effective way to get the message out. This message board is good, but it doesn't reach as far as we need it to.
I've been in contact with J Kelly, asking him what the deal is. He is distancing his actions from any sanctioned activity of ASHI. He claims to represent the PA coalition only. I pointedly asked him why he felt the need to attack another HI org. His answer was less than truthful, in my opinion. I was the one who suggested the debate between Nick and Kelly on inspectionnews.com . Lots would like to see it, but I doubt it will ever happen. If NACHI could get the official opinion from the PA Attorney General's office as to the validity of the PHIC complaint, this would go a long way to planting the seeds of truth, not only in PA, but to those inspectors who are sitting on the fence. Bolster our CE program, bolster out tips by providing a session, offer realtors the opportunity to pick our brains and get to know us, get our logo out there.
I want to see NACHI not only survive, but prosper. No kidding...
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have already privately asked Joe F. to be President for 2003 so that I can work with Chris on our online continuing education project. Now I ask him publicly. How about it Joe? Anyone else agree? Perhaps we can all take 6 month stints being President and each see what we can do. Everyone has something to offer. I’m not sure we need a vote at this point unless someone else wants the reigns too. My mouth often gets me in trouble and it reflects poorly on NACHI I think. Joe Farsetta would bring a more professional tone to the association. Nick Gromicko, Chairman, Joe Farsetta for President Campaign.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe F.
I have to warn you...ASHI's Joe Kelly will attack you, your business interests, your Aunt Penny, etc. Welcome to the hot seat...maybe 6 months is too long...let us know and we'll find someone else to take the reigns when you're ready.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have no baggage or history with this guy. Why should he care about me. I asked him why he was hell-bent on putting NACHI out of business. If his contention was that NACHI was non-compliant according to the letter of the law, then it should be de-listed as a complying org. That doesn't mean it doesn't have a right to exist or solicit menbership!. He has yet to reply to me. I doubt he will.
Look, we need to plug the holes in PHIC's accusations. I'm not talking about BS like member-drives. We're allowed to pretty much do whatever we want to get members (legally, of course). I'm speaking to the legitimacy of the membership as of today. Let's start there. Let's verify our membership, put the program in place for CE credits, mentor newbies, whatever it takes to build NACHI into the MONSTER it could be. To Nick's point, you dont have to be a member of a single org. NACHI could and should be one of them.