Erol Kartol and Dave Bottoms help out NACHI! Thanks!

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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who charges other inspectors through PHIC’s mentoring program and teaches them how to create inspection reports that read the same for every client.

Anyway, my comments,, Erol's good question, and Dave Bottom's public concession must have worked... I have been informed by the publisher of that the article has been pulled from their website.

Thank you Erol, Dave, and

Nice job.

I encourage everyone to visit It is a good website with a sensible publisher.


Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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A bit off topic, but while speaking of the free electrical training we give NACHI members throughout the country… I encourage all to attend Joe’s next one in Tulsa at

Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Dave Bottoms
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Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Thanks Dave:

Just some minor factual points:

ASHI hasn't certified any of its members in over 5 years. ASHI's legal counsel ended the practice in the late 1990's. Anyone who says they are "ASHI certified" is full of crap.

Also, as I've said many times before... I have never sought nor been granted admin function access to this message board and so can't pull any threads, edit other's posts, or delete posts and I haven't asked for any of your's or Roy's to ever be removed.

Also, I forgot to thank KDKA TV for doing that revealing report about the PHIC scam... so I'd like to thank them as well.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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Thank you Dave and Erol. I appreciate your efforts, even if they were not initially intended to help us.

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Where is the post that mentions the last time Joe T. was on tour for free? That is, the post prior to the one that was rushed together after my question yesterday. Since I’m such a good helper as the spinner puts it, where is the answer to the Mock Home inspection bs promise? I’ll give Nick 24 hrs. to fabricate a cool web page and I’ll check back tomorrow for the fluff.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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An association as big as ours, that does as much as ours, for as many people as it does - will always have a chink in its armor, somewhere.

Your continued kindness in pointing them out so that they can be immediately addressed helps make NACHI an even better association than it already is, which is one of the main reasons you are allowed to continue to post on our MB, IMO. Keep up the good work. Visit often. ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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jbushart wrote:
An association as big as ours

Thanks for reminding me...According to Nick back in January NACHI is to have one million members by the end of (this) year. HHMMM sounds like a difficult task indeed. Wait a moment got an idea! Generate a mass e-mailing to every person in the world about the $20,000 in additional FREE benefits to all NACHI members - (paid or unpaid) ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Erol… I forgot what question you had about mock inspections but I’ll tell you about two references to mock inspections.

First is where a member donates his home or an empty home he has access to for the purpose of local members getting together, inspecting it, meeting up in the kitchen, and comparing/discussing results. It is a good exercise for newbies and veterans both and helps our members keep on the same page so to speak. Most of these are put together by chapter Presidents but many individual members have done it as well. There were some advertised on the message board and in but we no longer promote these events on this site as we had at least one incident where the poor fella who donated his home for the morning was overwhelmed by dozens of inspectors. We now recommend that if you want to do it... and you can yourself now... that you invite fellow members by email and stop inviting when you get to a dozen or so (or whatever you dare have show up at your door). Open invitations like those in are not advised. Even the host will learn much from the other inspectors.

The other reference to mock inspections is in Requirement #9: 4 mock inspections (inspections done for no fee and usually on a newbie's own house or a friend's house) is required for membership in NACHI for applicants who have never done an inspection. In very sharp contrast to ASHI which permits newbies (and even encourages newbies) to perform their very first inspections for actual unsuspecting clients... NACHI feels this is a disservice to the public. NACHI prohibits this poor practice. ASHI encourages it. Another NACHI / ASHI difference.

Thanks again for help with getting that article pulled and thanks for pointing out another very big difference between NACHI and ASHI for all to see.

Are you sure you're not secretly a NACHI member? ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Dave Bottoms wrote:

Maybe since he's been so helpful you should give him a free membership? ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

No David that's not necessary. I have NACHI members already asking me if I want a mostly members only pass.


Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Erol, I’d take you back as a fellow member in a NY minute… and have a few times… icon_lol.gif

Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Hope that clears it up for you. Good job in getting the article pulled. I also notice you pulled the thread with all of Ray's crybabying. Too bad, it was amusing.

Cheers, and have a nice weekend,

Not so fast... Mr. Bottoms asked to provide proof that he was reported to the Police for uttering threats. The post seems to have been pulled, by whom; like everything else remains a mystery.

Less anyone thinks Mr. Bottoms has missed an opportunity to provide contrary proof, he is no Choir Boy, here is the info he needs to check the fact unlike him I do not lie, have no need to and do not make repeated threats. I am happy to see Nachi taking action, action. Threats of any kind and to take action against non members and members alike using this forum to threaten one non member and two members. Not to mention the repeated abuses of posting under false pretences.

So Mr. Bottoms here is the info you request. By the way uttering threats is a breach of the Criminal Code.

A complaint was filed with the OPP Constable Beaton on or about March 13th/05
Badge No. 11320
Occurrence No. OPO5048206

Mr. Bottoms also found it necessary to threaten another Nachi member and a senior citizen. Has he no shame? Terrible. So much for his attitude, I am embarrassed he is a member of the other association.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (R.H.I.)

Originally Posted By: Guest
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Nonmember status is the way to go, my friend. As a nonmember, I am able to access the highly entertaining Members Mostly section for free. In fact, the same member benefits that don't exist for NACHI members, don't exist for me either.

The same search engines that don't direct work to members, don't direct work to me either.

Additional perks: I save $289 a year and I'm not lumped in with a bunch of Sweathogs in the eyes of consumers and my peers.

See you 'round the net,

Jim Morrison
Princeton, MA

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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gromicko wrote:

The thread also included a question by Erol Kartol which asked about our free electrical training mentioned in I answered Erol's question explaining that

Joe Tedesco is paid by NACHI $1,000.00 for each course he gives our members, that his expenses are paid by NACHI, that the hotel is paid by NACHI, that we even buy breakfast for everyone who attends, even non-members, and that NACHI members attend for free, and that we offer much in the way of free training for members.

This is factual as to my understanding and involvement.

Joe Tedesco's training programs far exceeds the value that is paid by NACHI.

I am thankful for the Dedication that Joe Tedesco has demonstrated for the Education programs with NACHI Chapters.

Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Hi Nick

Regarding the lead topic posted by you.

Mr. Bottoms is now suggesting that your comments were facetious about his assistance in the pulling of the article. I guess the obvious question is were you being facetious? I can't rely factually anymore on what Mr. Bottoms says given his appetite for posting under assumed names, using colourful language, prevaracating and so forth. Just want to ensure the facts are correct because I have posted a link to this topic so all in OAHI can see what a great help he was. I know Mr. Bottoms will deny it only because he is so humble.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (R.H.I.)

Originally Posted By: Dave Bottoms
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Originally Posted By: rwand
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Mr. Bottoms what are you on tonite? Nice hypocritcal post.

Maybe as spokesperson for Mr. Mullen you can explain this? I guess you will have a logical explanation?

No explanation needed I guess this is as factual as the unquoted newspaper article that you dismissed on behalf of Mr. Mullen and all that other crap you posted on the CANUCK list run by you and your alter ego.

Have another drink Mr. Bottoms it may be a long night. Remember don't mix alcohol and prescription drugs, they make you ugly. icon_mrgreen.gif eusa_boohoo.gif eusa_naughty.gif

As to the above I admit to everything, just as I have admitted to everything I said on Inspection News. The paper work is all in order at my end to make a case. Where is the paper work to support your lies? You don't have any scruples and now that many OAHI members have read this post along with the fact that you have been reported to the police on more than one occassion you come back here and claim you are white a snow. Nice try.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (R.H.I.)

Originally Posted By: rwand
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Please Note: This user is a non-member guest and is in no way affiliated with NACHI.
Since Raymond is so interested in the OAHI Forum seeing this thread, maybe they'd enjoy reading some of Ray's posts during his time on the Canuck Forum, before he was finally booted off for life for abusing his forum privileges.

This makes for some insane and hilarious reading.

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.M.:
"There is a word they use to describe people of your elk, it is called Liar. And by the way I can substantiate all that I have said on my site, because you and your cronies have left a big paper trail.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to G.W.:
?George how long are you willing to spread malicious lies? Please resign, let one serve on the BOD who has some ethics, and understands the by-laws, and who will through away the rubber stamp you seem to like to use.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to A.B.:
?There are some men who get more satisfaction out of their ignorance than most learned men get out of their knowledge.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to D.B.:
?You have to be able to demonstrate the biases affected a persons independence, and decisions GW is only telling you that because that is the company line he has been told to sing. This was clearly not the case with me and the DPPC. GW is a liar, and I find him less than ethical in telling the truth.
Unlike the BOD I have never taken a email and lifted it to post somewhere else to discredit someone or use it as Chair of the DPPC or as a RHI because I honour the rules.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to G.W.:
?Oahi site alludes to other discussion boards which makes you a liar and the board. Whether this is public or not there obviously is no honour amongst thieves.
I also suggest you and the Board and your lack of scruples are continually breaching the by-laws. This is obviously how you are prepared to operate along with the other less than lack lustre leadership.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to R.T.:
?You sir ran when you couldn't deal with the heat. Shame on you. You do not have the right to use RHI after your name, and you are certainly not interested in the truth.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to R.B.:

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to R.B.:
?I guess BM and GW your memories are short and warped.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to R.B.:
?They are all in it for their own gain. Once again the membership buys into this crap and we actually have people making excuses to make it look legitimate. Time for a revolution.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.M.:
?Please go back to sticking your heads under the pillow, maybe God will be kind and you and will suffocate you on your own ignorance's.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to G.W.:
George no offence you should follow the lead of B.C. and resign. It is obvious unfortunately that even you as Secretary does not comprehend your duty, nor how to exercise your authority. Article 9 (6). Under the circumstances I think you should resign your position as Secretary.

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to R.B.:
?Let me state, that if the governorship of Oahi has changed so dramatically with the appointment of 4 directors, plus the resignation of the President, then I will expect great change in the attitude of the BOD. And in that regard I will back off from being the so called s#!t disturber, pain in the a$%, thorn in the side.
As I have said above I am going to back off and out of courtesy give you folks breathing room to enact quick change, not six months from now, I hope you execute your duties as an officer as many of the membership expect, and want. If this is not possible I suggest the BOD consult our high priced lawyer for proper direction.
Now that I have assisted in changing the old guard, good luck with your duties, I will be watching.?

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to G.W.:

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.J.:
I am seriously considering charging the whole BOD with dereliction of duty, it is a travesty the way some are treated.

2004 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.J.:
I certainly don't know the other two new contenders, haven't seen their platforms, or their stand. They are both newcomers, what do they really know about the issues? Besides I have ruined my reputation enough, and could only be seen as a threat to the existing BOD, and after all that is what happened last year, when I ran, a united front sprang to life and suddenly people who stated they would no longer run were suddenly nominated at the last moment.

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand?s reply to G.W.:
G.W.: ?OK I accept your apology but you must know that this completely negates your credibility.?
Ray?s reply: ?I am beginning to think [wonder] if I have any credibility.?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wan to D.B:
?s#!t, and more s#!t. If the membership wants more of same; by God they deserve what they get!?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wad Apology:
?I would like to apologize for any inferences made to anyone that have read my posts and tell you that I want to work with everyone for a better Association. Maybe the passion has sometimes come out the wrong way. Yes I may use a spray can to paint everyone with the same colour. Some peoples integrity and honour may have been ruined knowingly or inadvertently by my posts.
As to individuals that I have dumped on and have felt my wrath, or comments I made in the heat of the moment, well just lets say sometimes the heat of moment gets the better of me and I should sit on my email and reread carefully with my glasses on what I?ve written.
I don?t want pity and I?m not looking for sympathy or forgiveness for my transgressions, I strongly believe that having made my bed I must now lie in it. What has happened has happened and the blame lies directly on my shoulders for what was said and I take full responsibility for that.
I picked a lousy week to give up Prozac?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand:
?John you should vote for who you want. I don?t care that is your problem and if you are ignorant that too is your problem.
And you have no bloody right to tell Bill how to run his board, just as I don?t. If you don?t like the tone hit the delete button.?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand:
Yes I often assume things that aren?t true, only because of what and has gone on. wouldn?t you be? Sorry if I made inferences that aren?t true.

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand:
?Read all my previous posts, they contained much accurate information, the pieces of the puzzle are slowly being revealed.?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand to T.C.:
You should get a new line, I'm tired of hearing you always throwing up your repetitive familiar line of "you can't do that it is not in the by-laws!"

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.C.:
?Please anyone can be on the board of directors and act and respond like you, you obviously do not have the leadership skills necessary to carry out your role, resign. Please do us all a favour.?

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand to M.M.:
Sorry you are a hypocrite. So make like the birds and flock off. You have been eager all along to chastise Nachi, Ashi and anyone else in your stupor you cared to disagree with. Now when sobriety creates the need for reality you suddenly have a brain fart and decide after your criticism to join Nachi.

2003 Highlights: Raymond Wand to B.M.:
?The way I see it you are part of the problem, you like to speak out of both sides of your mouth. You sat on the BOD of OAHI when there was turmoil and said nothing at the time. Too bad what you don't like.?

Posted with permission.

What an ego! What a self-righteous attitude! Amazing! Some people get out of bed angry and bitter and just go down hill from there. It's a shame, really. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.


P.S. Raymond: Any time you decide to try to use a thread from this forum to fabricate a story about me on the OAHI forum, expect to see this list pop up.

P.P.S. Roy Cooke Sr.: I know you'll be tempted to jump in here with both guns a-blazin', but please try to leave this one alone. You didn't start it and it has nothing to do with you. Plus, I have a bunch of old Canuck Forum posts with your name on them that I'm sure you'd rather I didn't post here. Live and let live. Ray started this, so let it be. Just my opinion, do as you wish.

Just who gave you permission to use all those quotes? Like I said put the full names to the initials will you please. I have posted this so the folks at OAHI can see what fine job you do spending so much time here posting your vehemence. I think you long to be a NACHI member, why not come out of the closet? :)

Mr. Bottoms I think it only fair if you are going to use selected posts you have the balls to use full names not initials, otherwise the quotes are irrelevent. When do you find time to write as Editor and Chief of the Canadian Home Inspector Magazine? You spend and inordinate amount of time writing and posting about Nachi so much so you are addicted.

None of this stuff is as relevent compared to you threatening a senior citizen and a Nachi member and me as a non member and as a member of OAHI. That is way more serious than any of this stuff above, maybe you should get GW to explain criminal law to everyone. He is no Perry Mason, no wonder OAHI is disfunctional. I have asked you before if you have any shame. As usual no answer. It is obvious you do not.

You have burned your bridges at Inspection News, at the CAFE and at Nachi. You have no friends, no friends to vouch for you. Many members on the CANUCK list have expressed privately your behaviour and Bills and the moles are numerous. I hope you and Billy Bob are keeping records of all posts so that when a court supeonas them you will be able to produce what was said on the CANUCK.

Here are my terms. I think they are more than fair and cover the crux of the matter.

1. Mr Mullens stops with the s#!t and the name calling on the CANUCK list against me and Roy, and NACHI.
2. Ditto for you too.
3. You stop posting here and lifting posts, ditto Mr. Mullens.
4. You stop talking about Nachi on the OAHI CAFE.

Thats the deal either accept it or leave it.

And don't give orders telling me to remove my posts. You remove yours you do it so well.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON[/quote]

The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (R.H.I.)

Originally Posted By: rwand
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Mr. Bottoms help me out here.

B.M. Bill Mullen
G.W.: George Webb
A.B Andrew Bennett
B.C. Brian Callaghan
R.T ?
R.B Ralph Banks ?
B.J ?
D.B Dave Bottom
T.C ?
M.M ?

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
NACHI Member
Registered Home Inspector (R.H.I.)

Originally Posted By: Dave Bottoms
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
