Please comment on the new InterNACHI Australia website

It’s here but it’s still being developed, so it hasn’t been announced.

The home page is intentionally simple, but I tried to expand and prioritize once you get to the individual choices.

Only about 25% of homes in Australia get inspected there because there is no training available and no national SOP, so consumers and real estate agents never really know what to expect.

I just returned after 3 weeks of work there. Roofs are all tile or metal, and inspectors never walk them. Roofs are not sheathed with plywood or OSB or anything else.

Most homes are brick, either single or double wythe, newer homes are wood frame with brick veneer. Interesting framing. No stucco, almost no siding. Very elaborate porch and balcony handrails are common and almost every home has a fence bordering the street.

Pretty charming, attractive construction and very good concrete work.

Anyway, thanks for your comments

Interesting that you bring this up. My wife just returned from a week of work in Perth. She was telling me that there’s a possibility they may need someone to move there for a couple of years.
I told her that I can do what I do pretty much anywhere. I was thinking mostly about commercial building operations, but I wondered about doing home inspections there too.
She loved it there, so who knows what we’ll end up doing.
The site looks fine on my phone. A little plain like you said, but with a lot of good info.

**[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]I see Mold USA way and Mould the English way ,is used on the web site ,
Looks good to me will have another look later … Roy
I think they spell it like we Canadians do MOULD

have any questions.
[li]10 Easy Ways to Save Energy in Your Home (consumer-targeted)[/li][li]15 Tools Every Homeowner Should Own (consumer-targeted)[/li][li]A Caution Against Using XRF Alone for the Identification of Problem Drywall[/li][li]A Garage Inspection[/li][li]Abrasive Blasting for [COLOR=#ff0000]Mold Remediation[/COLOR][/li][li]Adjustable Steel Columns[/li][li]Advantages of Solar Energy[/li][li]Aging in Place[/li][li]Anti-Scald Valves[/li][li]Anti-Tip Brackets for Freestanding Ranges[/li][li]Asbestos (consumer-targeted)[/li][li]Attached Garage Fire Containment[/li][li]Attached Garage Fire Hazards (consumer-targeted)[/li][li]Roofspace Pull-Down Ladders no space left in Roof Space[/li][li]Backdrafting No space left in Back drafting [/li][/ul]Hazardous Materials
Asbestos, mould, lead, water purity, and other environmental issues or potential hazards typically require a specialist inspection, and may additionally require laboratory analysis.
Inspector Qualifications
Very few home inspectors have been in the inspection industry for their entire working lives. Those with a construction



I agree with Roy… always use a reference that would know firsthand…

We have a few inspectors in Perth (a franchise actually) using HIP. If you’re interested, I’ll hook you up! They’re doing great right now.

The odd thing in Australia is that most inspectors there disclaim the electrical, plumbing & HVAC. This is required by the main insurance carrier there.

Andrew, you could found the Perth Chapter.

I don’t know if I’d be able to do that. What do they inspect then?
Do you have to go with that carrier? Sounds like I need to open an insurance office there too.

I’m not opposed to that.
I have no idea whether it will happen or not. Her dept is undergoing a reorg right now. Australia is her project. We have to wait to see what gets approved and what doesn’t.
They may want her to run it from here, but her project manager moved down there last week, so there’s no telling.
I think it’d be a grand adventure. If you have to move to a foreign country, one where they speak English is a good start.
I can’t take my guns, so that’s a little concerning, but other than that Australia has 4 out of the top 10 best cities in the world to live in.

Perth is on the list. It’s roughly the size of the city nearest to where I live now.
Those are pluses.

W.A. was also the last State to join the union, and has threatened to secede a couple of times since then, so they sound like my kind of people. :slight_smile:

They require licensed contractors to inspect electrical and gas, you still do the plumbing. See the Australian Standards of Practice here.

There are other insurance companies but only 10% of inspectors (from what I’ve been told) use them. The most popular company we have in Australia has over 15 guys working for them (more added every month) and does a US style inspection with fewer items deferred.