Originally Posted By: senomoto This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yes it is double trapped and I did point that out. There is no plumbing in walls on that side of the house. i.e other bathrooms or laundry. I couldn’t figure why they would have that pipe ther (lower white pipe)
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Todd…
IRC 3201.6 .... Fixtures shall not be double trapped. ...
I wish I COULD explain why it's not allowed, but I really don't know the reasoning. Though I don't think it's the same problem as an "S" trap (ie: siphoning dry). Maybe one of the plumbing Gurus can help with an explanation.
Stephen, were there accomodations for a dishwasher? Maybe a drain got stubbed for future use? Maybe a plumber put it there just to confuse HIs? 
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: cbuell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
double trapping is not allowed because the speed of the water draining is slowed down by the time it reaches the second trap so that the second trap doesn’t properly “self-clean”
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Charlie!
Yep...I just found this in the Carson Dunlop Home Reference Book...
Double Traps. Two traps are not permitted on any plumbing fixture. This arrangement may produce chronic blockages.
Having had "chronic blockages" myself in the past, I can tell you this is not a good thing! 
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: jsieg This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The lower drain pipe looks like a drain for a dishwasher. Either it was there before the new kitchen cabinets were installed or it was put in as prep. for a future install of a dishwasher. If there is no dishwasher I hope it is cepped.
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jsieg wrote:
The lower drain pipe looks like a drain for a dishwasher. Either it was there before the new kitchen cabinets were installed or it was put in as prep. for a future install of a dishwasher. If there is no dishwasher I hope it is cepped.
If there are 2-15" drawer base cabinets ( or a 30" or 18" & 12") near to the right of the sink, pull the drawers out and look. I'd bet there is a capped drain there for a future dishwasher.