Please help me!

This article may help you in the future and some excerpts may help you now.

Hope this helps you.

Having installed many of those products in my day and removing them also, I would have to say that there is no need to get overly exited or endangered.
I would never advocated removals by a homeowner, and would always reccomend removals by Professionals.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You really need not to worry. People are exposed to asbestos unknowingly more than they realize. It would be everyday exposure that would concern me.

I would not worry with a lab test. If the material has been disposed of, and you don’t have to worry about handling it anymore, then relax. What’s done is done, and you can’t change it now with or without a lab test. The truth be known, it probably was asbestos, but a one time exposure shouldn’t be harmful.

Environmental issues are NOT included in a standard home inspection. The materials would need to be lab tested to determine the presence of asbestos. Even if it were asbestos bearing, it is not necessarily a hazard unless its been damaged, altered and or disturbed.

Don’t freak out. Most people who develop health issues from asbestos were working for decades in the mining, ship building and or construction industries. We still encounter asbestos on a daily basis, just driving down the freeway for example.

Refer to an independent licensed asbestos abatement contractor for further inspection and service. They’ll be able to advise you as to material make up and whether or not clean up/remediation is needed.

Good Luck!

I’m not sure about the linoleum, but a client who recently took his tile sample in for testing found that it contained 10% asbestos.