Please post a picture of a Double Wrap

Now that is a double wrap

Use this one…:wink:


Thanks I just may use that one.

Technically that picutre that Jay posted is not a strap. It is too far away from the rafter.

It has what I need after I crop. Two straps on a truss with nails that are visible.

Were those two mega burrito’s that you deleted?
Where can I get a couple of those.

For the record,

I was being sarcastic about that being a double strap. :twisted:

I posted pics of that situation in Scenario 7.

However, the homeowner had a WM from '08 that listed the Roof/Wall as double straps.:shock:

Actually, they were an oversized pic of two McDonalds Chicken Wraps :roll:

I know but I may be able to crop to what I need. I remember the scenario.

Here Mike, these may work a little better than photo shop.:slight_smile: