Did an inspection today and found this in the basement. Has this been addressed or updated with copper? How would you report this? Researching this has been very confusing…hoping the information provided here might provide some clarity. Thanks in advance!
It looks like there is CPVC and PB there!
Look at whatever is visible, report the polybutylene and move on.
The problem with polybutylene was primarily the fittings.
For the forthteenth thousands time…
Keep the narrative… And please share it…OK?
OK Roy! :mrgreen:
Hi Marc, I wasn’t able to open that file, says it’s corrupted. Can you re-upload, would like to take a look.
Thanks for sharing this information on PB. Great arrival.
Can I ask how you came to this conclusion?
Did not mean to open a hostile debate, thanks ROy! :-)~
I tried to go to your site to get your email but got a 401 Authorization Required error.
Send me it mg@alltropic.com
Improper crimps and acetyl fittings with aluminum crimp ring were problematic.
Several issues with PB beyond just the pipe - mostly improper crimps.
Gosh cold getting you down
If someone could fix the search feature repeats would be less common IMHO.
I agree…and you might want to note in the report that it “might” be a problem obtaining homeowners insurance, especially in Florida.