Posible scam in Miami

Hey guy, I just want to share something it’s happening to me recently and I don’t know it’s is a posible scam or if it’s happening to somebody else.

Now it’s the second time I got a text message requesting to do a inspection for next Friday, the spect of the house and pleases quote them.

After I send quote ask if I receive cashiers checks, after They ask If I can supervise some workers who will be in the house, my response was that I cannot be responsible for someone else’s work and that the additional payment that was offered to me was not necessary,

The days go by and the inspection is approaching, they send me a text message that they could not send the check but due to an error they are going to send the check with an additional amount, so that the rest of the money can go to the worker who is going to be present, and get an extra $100 for supervising and for the separate inconvenience that moves the inspection to next Friday,

I let them know that I cannot accept that check, much less under those conditions, they accept and that we do the inspection on Friday, the days go by again that they could not send me the check again that we cannot do the inspection, when I refuse to accept check that They can pay me by another means, his response was that he wants to pay me that way and he stops responding to me.

This second time when they ask me if I accept the cashier’s check, I answer no, these are the payment methods, they simply stopped responding to me at once.

This was a bit of a summary of all the messages, I still have the conversations on my phone, I don’t know if something similar has happened to anyone else, and if not, be careful with these possible scams

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Total scam. Congratulate yourself for not falling for it. This exact scam has been covered a dozen times in this forum. Just search “scam” in the search box.


It’s a scam. Either ignore it or be like Bert!

My dance partner this month is James.
I will string him along, get his hopes up by attempting to get him a refund Walmart gift card, make up a ridiculous emergency situation, apologize for the delay and continue to drag him through the 5 stages of grief as he eventually figures out that the refund gift cards were never more than an empty promise.

Stay tuned.


I love stringing them along. I got over 50 reply texts out of one guy before I told him that if I was hiring scammers, I wouldn’t hire him because he was so bad at it.:rofl:


After I receive the check made out to my dog.
I text them “the dog ate it” send another one…


Bert has way too much fun with these guys. For me, I decided to amuse myself with other things and just ignore these scammers. But to Bert’s credit, if we all did what Bert does, there would be less scammers working us.


I’d like to get those service fees in my area. Would never get inspections with my current market at half these prices.

Yeah but, Heywood Jablomey is also a TikTok star. So he is really good at ‘nspectin.’

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Seeing this thread made me realize how long it’s been since I got a text/scam request. Anyone else seeing a reduction in these? Maybe it turns out “Andre” is no longer in the market… wonder what @bhull1 is doing these days for fun??? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I haven’t received this particular scam text for a few months now. But I do receive up to 10 calls a day that my phone identifies as possible spam. I think most are from money lenders and Google rankers.

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Duh… Biden and the MN lunacy need your vote!

Scam for sure. This has happened to me at least a half dozen times. I lead them on enough to get as much info as possible, and then submit that info to the FBI fraud division. Doubt if it does any good, but makes me feel better about wasting time with the types of A holes.

I have them mail me the check, so that it costs them money.
And then give them the overage back as a Target gift card (fake of course).

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