
Is there anyone that knows something about a 100amp I.T.E Pushmatic electrical panel. Good, Bad please give me some feed back. Ron

I think they where and still are a good breaker .
Old yes, sometimes difficult to find a replacement .
If it looks good and no damage .
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Them and Bulldogs are thermal breakers so they are not as reliable as a newer breaker. They are known to have a lifespan and then start to trip frequently. The flags can also fail to report the right position of the breaker and the grease inside dries up and makes them hard to push. There are new replacement breakers available but they are expensive and often due to the cost people will choose to go with the upgrade to a new panel.

Pushmatics are great but because they old many do not like them.
Biggest issue is finding a way to expand without a sidecar.

They often are 60 amp main breakers as well.


We used at work In Ontario for years never had a issue but again we checked the panels once a year.