Hi to all,
Here’s todays question
Be carefull out there
Hi to all,
Here’s todays question
Be carefull out there
That has to be one of the worst pictures of a ladder tragedy I have ever seen Gerry—:shock:
Looks like the entire family was involved, and the poor guy/girl on the roof is hanging for dear life while someone is taking pictures rather than lending a helping hand—:lol:—:ouch:
Good thing nobody landed on the hubcaps or dog bowls too—:-&—:margarit:
Three rungs whatever that equates to. :margarit:
Hi Dale,
I just hope no animals were injured while taking the photo :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Seriously I found that picture a few years ago but lost it on my system, I found it again yesterday and thought it would be worth raising the issue as a QOD due to the other ladder safety issues being discussed elsewhere on the BB.
I know about three foot is the correct answer but it seems to slip more at that height and is harder to get off, if I have to go on the roof. I like it a little lower so I can go over the top
Ah, good old Jolo WV, where men are men and snakes are scared :shock:
Although good for ladder safety and awareness, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say this was staged. How did the one person end up face down with the ladder on top of them? Yup, fake, unless someone can provide proof this occurred in Jolo.
And I love the stick that is being handed to the person dangling from the roof, instead of getting the ladder up to them.
that’s a great picture Gerry …I’m thinking that group should have just stayed on the ground…
I’m betting there was a case of Shlitz Malt Liquor on the roof and everybody lost trying to get it first–:lol:
Having taken professional ladder and gaf training for both the phone and cable companies,I can tell you the anser is 3 rungs,however if you feel it is slipping because of that adjustment ,you may need to recheck the angle you are using it at.
Hold it by the rails out in front of you in a straight line from your shoulder with a slight bend at the elbow and stand with your toes on each side of the rails.
That is the perfect angle.
Do not be shy about using rope ,and tieing the inside rung to a secure object.
Claw feet are the best, and avoid aluminum ladders if you can, since they conduct electricity.
I think for me, the most difficult part of roof inspections is the first step back on the ladder after walking the roof. I always try to make the first step on the rung just below gutter level. This is more of a problem with the wider articulating ladder as it seems harder to reach that rung as opposed to a standard extension ladder. Any suggestions to make the descent easier and safer?
Hi to all,
The correct answer to this question is 36 inches.
It’s nice to note that this was in fact the most popular answer
Let’s be carefull out there