Questionable wall to roof flashing

I need a little help here. This does not seem to be correct to me. Usually I can see some flashing on the adjacent wall and the tiles are usually cupped down toward the roof. Any input is appreciated.

nachi post photos.jpg

That will work the way it is Dylan.

There is always quite a bit of water running under the tiles since they really don’t do anything except keep the sun off the membrane.

It looks better then most! And for sure better then none at all. Dale is right it will work.

Thank you guys. I thought it might be, but I always would just prefer to see a little bit of the flashing. I was worried because it was poor workmanship throughout the rest of the home. It is new construction. For example, the only ventilation for the entire attic (2300 sq ft.) was one gable vent in the garage. Anyway, thank you. Great Diagram.

In a perfect world these would be great.

Sometimes when they are installed after the fact ones made from metal work better in some applications.