Welcome To Questions of The Week!
A member of the Awards Committee will post questions at random.
Members may make one post per question thread to answer the questions, and the member’s winning entry must have all parts of the questions answered completely in that one post.
No editing is allowed and INELIGIBLE members will be disqualified.
First correct answers (as judged by the Awards Committee or Poster of the Questions) wins.
Request your choice by emailing fastreply@nachi.org and submitting your Mailing address for shipping.
Choose your prize from the following list!:
** $50.00 gift certificate from Inspector Outlet
** Case of books “Now That You’ve Had A Home Inspection”
1) A gas-fired clothes dryer exhaust vent
A. must be at least a class B type vent.
B. may vent into a vent or chimney used by a gas furnace.
C. must be screened at the duct termination.
D. must be vented to the outdoors.
2) When a central air conditioning compressor is operating properly,
A. the low pressure line is warm and the high pressure line is cold.
B. the low pressure line is cold and the high pressure line is warm.
C. cold air will be exhausted from the condensing unit.
D. condensation will form on the high pressure line.
3) Most problems with concrete are caused at the time of installation. What single factor causes most of these?
A. The concrete has insufficient thickness.
B. Too much water is added.
C. Too much Portland cement is added.
D. Too little Portland cement is used.
4) Which of the following BEST describes this report statement? “The gutters are pitted and it would be foolish to repair them. Replacement with copper gutters would be more prudent.”
A. disclaimer of potential failing system
B. appropriate recommendation
C. implication of condition
D. overstepping of inspector’s role
5) Metallic-sheathed cable, commonly called BX/Armored Cable,
A. may be used beneath covered decks and under exterior eaves.
B. is the preferred wiring system for kitchen disposers.
C. does not require a third copper grounding conductor.
D. requires a bare copper grounding conductor.
Bonus question:
Who sang and on what song. “I’d rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints”