I’m new to forum. Been lurking for a while and am impressed with the level of professionalism displayed here. Thanks for letting me visit!
I’m a Realtor trying to cultivate new business and offer my customers a better home in the process. The goal is to use thermal imaging to understand more about the product we’re representing.
As a former auto mechanic and punch carpenter, I’m not without my abilities. I understand the concepts of full blown energy audit and if I thought I could go to these lengths to insure my clients were buying the best home they could for their money, I would. However, I understand this isn’t possible or affordable. You can only wear so many hats…
However, it would seem I could use this technology to at least see if a home is insulated fairly well (or at all) and find glaring moisture issues around shower stalls and that sort of thing.
As a real estate professional, I feel spending a couple of hours on every home we receive counter offers on would not only be beneficial for the home buyer but me as well. There’s no way I could do this on every home we offer on but if the seller comes back with a workable counter, lets do it. Contracts often stall at the inspection report and knowing all I can about a property with the experience I have could, in theory, save time in the long run by addressing repair issues early in the negotiation process.
As an auto mechanic, I get the need for quality tools. I understand that the more money I spend, the quicker and more accurate the inspection process will go. But I also know that cheap tools have their uses.
I know the I5 doesn’t have a great reputation as being a useful “professional” home inspection tool but how would it work for developing a generalized opinion about a home? I also haven’t seen opnions on the new I7 so how would it stack up?
How quickly do thermal imagers process information? Would the I5 and I7 work too slowly to scan an average 2000sq/ft ranch in 2 hours?
2500 is about my budget right now. I know that 4k or so will get me into a Bcam or Tir and I would love to have either, but 1500 bucks will buy a lot of advertising and we all know how slow things are…
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Ken