This recent update really ticks me off. Every Time I try to take a picture. The light for the flash turns on and runs until the picture is taken. This kills the iphone’s batteries and its a pain to have to have a backup battery pack attached to the iphone. I used to be able to get two inspections done without having to charge the phone. Now it’s not possible without charging in between inspections or during the 2nd inspection. Whats even worse, there is NO OPTION in the homegauage companion app to turn off the damn light. Please put in a setting that allows the light to be turned on/off. And no, turning the flash settings on the iphone camera app to on/off/auto doesn’t do a thing.
Another thing is the Styles and Materials tab. There used to be a small box that can accept text in portrait mode, if you need to make a small note. Now its gone. You can barely see the box and tap into it if you are on landscape mode. It’s buried behind the “Inspection items”, “Styles&Materials”, and “Overview” tabs at the bottom. This update is a backwards step in functionality. Please fix this.
Called support several days ago, got answer machine, left a message. No one calls back. Don’t have more time to waste during an inspection to call again. Try to log in to the homegauge website to submit a ticket, sign in doesn’t work. Thought I might have changed my password. Use “lost password?” function on the website, the user name and password sent to my email from homegauge is exactly as I remembered it, with no changes. User name and Password already prefilled by Chrome. No dice. Manually type everything. No dice. Use internet explorer instead. No dice. Try another computer. No dice.
Yet, I can upload my report from my iphone to the cloud and download onto my desktop homegauage.
Please let me apologize first for not calling you back. We now have apps that track every phone call and we pride ourselves at calling back the inspector if our 6 lines are busy within 30 minutes. I am not sure what happened there.
The ios has some recent bug about the flash and on some devices. Call in if you will please again or give us an email @ for a solution or the next update to correct.
Thank you Russell for your quick reply. I’m sorry if I was harsh in my post. I had a long day with a custom built house that had many issues that I would have thought it was a tract home if I wasn’t told it was a custom build.
I will just add everytime I have reached out to HG with an issue the support has been top notch, it might take an hour or two ( sometimes instantly) but the issue gets solved and more than a a few times the issue was from my end lol…