Reported Post by badair

badair has reported a post.

Reason: personal attacks by a non-member in the public sections
COE violation & my formal complaint
Duty to the Profession and to InterNACHI
The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to InterNACHI, fellow InterNACHI members, InterNACHI employees, leadership or directors. Accusations of a member acting or deemed in violation of such rules shall trigger a review by the Ethics Committee for possible sanctions and/or expulsion from InterNACHI.

justified action is removal of this posers comments and life time expulsion

Post: Stack vent termination height above roof?
Forum: Plumbing Inspections
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3

Posted by: kwood
Original Content:

I would think that the “approval process” for posts such as this should be the next consideration.

How does one justify “approving” posts from non-members that are attacks on members? I didn’t see that post (thanks Barry), but why did it garnish approval from a moderator?

nicky is approving most of these posts from WAFI. :frowning:

This is not right and Nick should take care of this insult to a few Members here by this non-member. He was banned originally and should not be allowed back preaching his false facts of the Inspection Industry.

I would hope that Nike would take appropriate action to this matter.

It’s all about the ‘clicks’. The MB has fallen off… slowed down… these last few months. Need to get it built up for the Winter hibernation!

Mike is correct Frank M. Carrio, CMI and Larry Kage, CMI have “Unapproved Post” only to have Nick “approve”

we’ve been down this coe violation road only to be overturned by Nick

it’s his thing

all the very best to all

appears Nick’s trying to bring nt back into the fray just to stir the pot

Mike is correct Frank M. Carrio, CMI and Larry Kage, CMI have “Unapproved Post” only to have Nick “approve”

we’ve been down this coe violation road only to be overturned by Nick

it’s his thing

all the very best to all

appears Nick’s trying to give the appearance that nt is back on the mb just to stir the pot