vhill has reported a post.
Post: Time to write report
Forum: Members-Only Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: sstanczyk
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vhill has reported a post.
Post: Time to write report
Forum: Members-Only Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/A
Posted by: sstanczyk
Original Content:
vhill has reported a post.
Reason: Quote:
The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to InterNACHI, fellow InterNACHI members, InterNACHI employees, leadership or directors. Member(s) accused of acting or deemed in violation of such rules shall be reviewed by the Ethics committee for possible sanctions and/or expulsion from InterNACHI.Calling someone (me) out on what you “think” was a missed defect on the message board is a direct violation of the COE
I found your post to be damaging to my business and destructive to my professional image.
Post: Time to write report
Forum: Members-Only Discussion
Assigned Moderators: N/APosted by: sstanczyk
Original Content: Quote:
Originally Posted by vhill http://nachi.cachefly.net/forum/images/2006/buttons/viewpost.gif
*Alright listen fag. I dont do a check list, i have over 800 narratives that ive tweaked to fit my needs.I have a narrative for every defect “ive” ever incountered, and they’re all in my reporthost software right at my finger tips without having to ever look for them or though them just point and click. ( i know even you could do that) And ive read your post and if anyone ends up in court it’ll be you. *With that said I also dont “nick pick” every single paint chip and stain on the carpet like you do jackass. So if anyone is full of **** (yes thats a grown up word billy boy) it would be you.
Perhaps instead of being a jackass on the message board you could write some new narratives for every “defect”… like maybe one for the “sub-panel” that doesn’t have a main disconnect on your sample report.:roll: Just maybe this condo had a main disconnect at at central location along with the other units, or didn’t you bother to look. Maybe the main breaker even had the amperage marked on it, since you didn’t put it in your report. Glass houses man… :roll:
Vaughn, members aren’t moderated.
Were you offended by the use of the word “fag”? Oh, you said that…or something else?
If you feel an injustice was perpetrated, you may contact the ethics committee.
Can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Jerk.