(David Andersen, TN HI# 40)
October 1, 2014, 3:35pm
dandersen has reported a post.
The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to InterNACHI, fellow InterNACHI members, InterNACHI employees, leadership or directors. Accusations of a member acting or deemed in violation of such rules shall trigger a review by the Ethics Committee for possible sanctions and/or expulsion from InterNACHI.
Bite me TWitt
BLOW ME Davy… Or your friendly xxxxxxx, like you normally do.
Idiots like you are why all should carry.
Disparaging statements about a kidnapped Realtor before this were removed and the thread was moved from the public view.
This is slanderous, beyond to point of name calling.
My sexual orientation is none of his business. I think his statements could be construed as a hate crime because of sexual preference.
Next step will be to TREC. Then to get that pistol permit pulled.
Post: Realtor missing
Forum: Not For Everyone (members-only)
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3
Posted by: mmeeker
Original Content:
(Larry Kage, CMI)
October 2, 2014, 3:17am
Unfortunately, members aren’t moderated by moderators…as silly as that sounds.
And, you can try filing with the Ethics Committee but…
(David Andersen, TN HI# 40)
October 2, 2014, 3:57pm
If the reported post is by an InterNACHI member:
InterNACHI does not moderate member posts on its message board. There are only two reasons that a reported member’s post will be acted upon:
If a member’s post could negatively reflect on InterNACHI as an association or a large portion of its membership, that post may be moved to a section of the message board that is not visible to the public. If you think a post should be moved, indicate why.
If a member’s post violates InterNACHI’s Code of Ethics, InterNACHI’s Ethics and Standards of Practice Committee can determine if that post should be deleted and if any further action should be taken against that member. If you think a post violates the COE, please ask a member of the ESOP Committee to review the post.
The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to InterNACHI, fellow InterNACHI members, InterNACHI employees, leadership or directors. Accusations of a member acting or deemed in violation of such rules shall trigger a review by the Ethics Committee for possible sanctions and/or expulsion from InterNACHI.
(Juan C. Jimenez)
October 2, 2014, 3:59pm
The most aggressive and offensive members are the ones always reporting offensive posts.
Go figure.
(David Andersen, TN HI# 40)
October 2, 2014, 4:00pm
Thanks Larry,
I don’t expect any action, but I can show you some action if I plaster the “True” Meeker all over the internet. I’d be gone in a sec.
Go figure…
(David Andersen, TN HI# 40)
October 2, 2014, 4:04pm
Are you trying to make a point?
I can be aggressive and offensive to you all day long, but I only use the “Facts” to support my position.
Do you wish to challenge any of these “facts”?
(Mike Pagozalski, CMI)
October 6, 2014, 3:32am
I think Meeker is a class act, who does nothing but show professionalism and integrity
(Mike Pagozalski, CMI)
October 6, 2014, 3:32am
Oops that ^^^^^ got posted before I could find an extreme sarcasm emoticon
(John McKenna, CMI)
October 6, 2014, 11:56am
:mrgreen: … LOL
The king has no cloths, but please don’t tell him. He does not know it.