Frank Carrio,** CMI is The Founder.**
However, There is no Email address & the last post on
the sites board is from 2009 !
Is there a Chance Mr. Carrio is not with us anymore?
**I’m betting he’s not. There’s no “Anything in NH” I know of a couple independent inspectors that won’t give you the time of day. **
**Which is one of the deciding factors that brought me to the decision of becoming an inspector. After I had the opportunity to read a report on a friends house , Whom I had just completed a bunch of work for … **
**That Being said. I intend to head up the NH Chapter & get things up to standard here. Because, believe me. **They are not !
There are a lot of things that I would like to say to you but…… My parents taught me that; “if he can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all”!
That being said…… I’ll try to be civil and answer your questions.
- If you read the information on the New Hampshire state chapter you will see my name and phone number. You should have picked up the phone and called me!
I would have been happy to answer any and all of your questions. That being said ……at this point in time I have no desire to speak to an inspector from a different state who has the arrogance to say that he’s going to come up to New Hampshire and “get things up to standard”!
“**I intend to head up the NH Chapter & get things up to standard here.” **My response to your statement would blister the paint off of the walls! So…… I’ll just chalk this statement up to ignorance and arrogance! I have a question…. Who in the hell do you think you are! :twisted:
{The phrase… “Open mouth and insert foot” comes to mind!} -
You state that there are some New Hampshire inspectors that “Would not give you the time of day!” I can see why!
For your information…. I am in weekly if not daily contact with many of our New Hampshire inspectors. I answer technical questions on a routine and regular basis.
When I receive requests to conduct inspections I direct the prospective client to other New Hampshire inspectors.
As an InterNachi messageboard moderator I am in “regular communication” with Nick.
As the founder and President of the InterNachi New Hampshire state chapter during the last week – week and a half I have been in touch with both Nick and Ben Gromicko over courses/classes that I will be providing to our members.
Once I receive and review the material then and only then will I “set up classes”. I will send out an email to all of our InterNachi inspectors in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont.
For your information…… I visit this message board each and every day. You will see that I have made posts between midnight – 6 AM. That being said…. This thread is a perfect example of why I do not “post” on a regular basis. I do not want to be sucked in to the constant fighting and bickering that you see here.
If you want more information on me I suggest that you look up some of the threads that I have started.
Others have asked “where’s Frank”?
You will see that I have posted some extremely personal information and that is…. My wife of 33 years is dying of pulmonary fibrosis. There is no known cause, there is no known cure! It is slow, painful, and an ugly and vicious way to die. I am with her 24 hours a day. My question to you is… If this were your wife would you spend unnecessary time on this message board “fighting” with some arrogant newbie or would you take care of your wife? The answer is obvious!
So… The answer to “What happened to Frank” is…. Although I’ve had four heart attacks and two “cardiac procedures” and given five months to live {as I write this I am two years, and 12 days past my “expiration date”} I’m in regular communication with “InterNachi headquarters”.
I’m in regular communication with InterNachi New Hampshire members.
“Formal Classes” will start again as soon as I receive and review the educational material but at this time I am mentoring/helping our inspectors on a one on one/personal basis via; meetings at my house, email and telephone.
PS: In my opinion you have received the information that you wanted.
I do want to hear anything that you have to say on this matter
so… Unless you want to escalate things …Don’t bother to respond!