Response to Ministry of Consumer Services regarding licensing/grandfathering of CMIs.

Thank you!

Good evening Nick, hows it going eh?

I read your reply to the ministry, and it appears that you are only promoting CMI’s as being worthy of grandfathering. What about those who choose not to apply/become a CMI, where do they stand in all of this? Will they be equally promoted as being worthy of grandfathering? I notice favourable CMI mention a couple of more times in the reply.

Are regular outstanding, qualified non CMI inspectors worthy of grandfathering?

Did I miss something?

Just asking.

From page 4 - To sum it up.

You did not miss anything Raymond! When licensing does go through each Veteran that has been in business more than 3 years most likely will be considered good enough to be Grandfathered. I would think Nick can’t speak for those that don’t come to the aid of CMI as** part of Ontario, **he is not in a position to do so.

Two things I have said are they can not take away a mans living and I expect we are going to have an election that could change every thing.

Licensing will only create basic, minimum standards, which will result in basic, minimalist reports. If that is what your government wants, they are about to shaft all the home buyers up your way, and at your next election, be voted out of office.

Agents want these standards, and new inspectors to abide by these basic standards, so homes will sell, so mortgage lenders, office brokers, all get their commissions and home sale numbers.

It is never about the consumer; in any way. Kansas saw this, and got the HI laws out.

Agreed fully that it lowers the bar. I tried to fight for 250 hrs at the minimum.

The reply was from InterNACHI who supports CMI. If other associations feel a different designation should be transitioned, i am sure thy will promote it just the same.

Such as OAHI and their 360 + RHI’s. Why would InterNACHI bother promoting an RHI?

The reply looks good and to the point. The fact that there is items that InterNACHI disagree with and a majority they agree with only proves the panel was even and it was a give, take and compromise situation. I am overall happy with the outcome.

Ray Wand asks:

Answered in order asked:

They should not be grandfathered.



Yikes!!! I was not even that rough.

Just keepin’ it real.

To clarify, I am not referring to non InterNachi members or other association members and grandfathering.

Again, are regular Nachi members who choose not to partake of CMI going to promoted worthy of grandfathering? I hope so since they are no less qualified than CMI’s, and have passed all the requirements of membership.

Nope unless they fit the hrs they have decided is acceptable for minimum and mentoring of a CMI. I think they might have to prove they have been doing Inspections correctly to qualify also.

It was the same way here in Alberta. I was a NACHI member with enough education hours to meet the minimum requirements. That did not matter to the government. I was not a CMI or a RHI so I could not be grandfathered in. I ended up buying the Carson Dunlop program because it did not look like the InterNACHI courses were going to pass. That was a $3200.00 dollar mistake!! In the end I was able to complete two courses and take a proctored exam. By the way, anyone want to buy some CD books?? Most have not been opened!

Put them on E-bay for $500.00.:mrgreen:

You obviously have little Knowledge of Ray’s qualifications.

I expect he has more then most other Homies and has been doing inspections for longer then 98+++% the most other homies in North America.

Roy he would qualify! He has way more than the hours required as for mentoring that would be a decision we would have no control over.
BTW I can tell by his comments on all other MB’s that he should be a mentor for HI’s.

I love to see all the Ideas from various people ,that we have no control .

Do you for a minute the government want’s a law suit on their hands no way .

I think consideration should be given to my age! :slight_smile:

We still have no control Roy. Think about what happened in Alberta. If they decide that someone needs to be educated by x and not y we can’t stop them.