Can this roof be shown on the 1802 as hip roof?. The ICF structure has ICF reinforced concrete parapet walls that basically eliminate two sides of the roof overhang. The roof trusses only overhang on two sides. The roof wind resistance is stronger than a hip because it has only two sides of overhang exposed to the wind. The first and last roof trusses are connected to the inside face of the parapet outer walls are secured to treated 2x12 that are attached with anchor bolts in solid reinforced concrete on the inside of these parapet walls as you see in the attached photos, and the parapet walls of the ICF have a core of 6 1/2 inches of reinforced solid concrete. The anchor bolts used to bolt the two end roof trusses to the parapet wall are embedded directly into solid concrete where the foam was removed to allow direct contact of the concrete core with the truss system. On the overhanging side each of the trusses are also double wrapped with steel bands embedded into the concrete walls. There is no gable on this house, and the reinforced concrete wall on the east and west sides of the house are impervious to wind pressures that occur in the strongest storms so there is no weakness that would normally be found in a gable roof, and there is no soffit or overhang for the wind to exert upward pressure. Since there are really no gables and there are only overhangs on two sides of the structure I have classified the roof as hip in the past and the classification was not questioned. Is this correct in your opinion? If not, how would I list the roof in order for the homeowner to obtain the hip discount on this roof structure that is clearly stronger than the usual hip roof? If I measure the fascia on both of the exposed sides with the overhang and add together to obtain the total “perimeter” of the roof line then the roof is 100% hip and has actually superior wind resistance and strength compared to the usual hip roof. However, if I measure the perimeter of the house’s walls then the hip definition doesn’t work. Your opinion is highly valued. A few photos are attached to help illustrate the construction. Also, because the house has all the optimum wind mitigation features would the roof geometry even make a significant difference in the insurance discount on this house built in 2009? It is located within 1/2 mile of gulf in a 130 mph zone in NW Florida.
I would only count the eaves in the roof geometry. I do the same for multi-family buildings with concrete fire walls that protrude above the roof line. Yes, I would classify that as hip (with an explanation included). The RTW connections probably won’t have any effect on a FBC home, but the opening protection might.
I am looking for a Precast light weight high insulation fire proof walls and roof. Please contact me
Please contact me . I need some ideas on roof design using precast. I see you have some good ideas.
Holy necro spammer.
That said, the first question of this ancient thread is interesting. Not particularly because of the question “can this be a hip roof” but because someone would ask this in the first place. lol. NO, NOT A HIP ROOF, EVEN IF THE 10TH DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE IS TRUE, IN NONE OF THOSE UNIVERSES WOULD THIS QUALIFY AS A HIP ROOF!!!.
Dear Roberts
I have some questions on roof design. I wish to have an Insulated (>R50) Ligtweight fireproof Precast roof which can withstand Tornadoes. This would be linked to the Walls and the way the structure is bolted.
I would welcome an online chat if allowed
For Outer Community Builds LLC
Suresh Mirchandani