For all the hand wringing gong on about American jobs lost, it’s important to remember that we are currently as close to full employment as we have ever been.(Please correct me on this if I am error) If that is true what is the issue?
Let’s also not forget the illegal immigration is a piece of this puzzle.
Anyone who thinks that doesn’t tend to drive down wages needs to take a basic course in economics.
I hate to say it but 911 and the war have propped up our economy, all of the people over seas left a lot of job openings, if it were not for the war we would be hurting bad, especially because of the manufacturing jobs lost and the illegal aliens, we are balanced on a very fine point and if not handled right, we will go crashing down the hill! IMHO
Mike …in communist countries there is no un-employment either.
Mike you say people only care about cheap products, well I guess we all know where you stand on illegals.
As far as the rest I cannot for the life of me recall voting on giving traitors a tax break or encouragment to fire American and hardworking Proud Union workers to be replaced by slave labor.
You think they got it good over there ,then you should go to Hong Kong and let them know how happy you are for them.We will identify the body from your picture.
Bolton is a Bush crony. Bush will go down as the worst president ever. Oh, yeah we need another 190 billion for the war. Don’t feed the hungry or shelter the homeless. Don’t provide universal health care. Don’t pay our teachers better or our law enforcement. Don’t repair our infrastructure. Just keep fighting that losing war. You know the one that has cost us 3,800 lives and maimed over 25,000. That is not to mention the 600,000 Iraqis that have died. Wake up, sheepeople!
“This business of being a sheep or a sheep dog is not a yes-no dichotomy.
It is not an all-or-nothing, either-or choice. It is a matter of degrees, a
continuum. On one end is an abject, head-in-the-sand-sheep and on the other end is the ultimate warrior. Few people exist completely on one end or the other. Most of us live somewhere in between. Since 9-11 almost everyone in America took a step up that continuum, away from denial. The sheep took a few steps toward accepting and appreciating their warriors, and the warriors started taking their job more seriously. The degree to which you move up that continuum, away from sheephood and denial, is the degree to which you and your loved ones will survive, physically and psychologically, at your moment of truth.”
That’s right! None of those existed until that dunce Bush took over. I just don’t understand how he could not instantly repair what 42 presidents before him screwed up, just doesn’t make sense does it? :roll:
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve never been a big Bush fan. I just don’t see how people can blame one person, the president, rather than the entire government (Dems and Reps). The whole thing is failing us, not just Bush.
I’m about 1/2 way thru reading Lou Dobb’s book “War on the Middle Class” and it’s got me worked up. :mad: The teaser on the front says “How the government, big business, and special interest groups are waging war on the American dream and How to Fight Back” . It’s been a good read so far at 85 out of 250 pages.
Michael, here’s an excerpt from Dobb’s book…"In 2004, 401 members of the house of Representatives went to the voters seeking reelection. All but 5 got voted back in - we returned 396 of those people to their jobs. Over in the Senate, 25 of 26 Senators got their jobs back during the same election. In all, voters reelected an incredible 99% of incumbents to their offices in 2004. No matter how many citizens say they want to 'throw the bums out" they apparently want to hang onto their own particular bum."
That because they think it’s everyone else’s bum that is the problem.
Maybe it’s covered in the book but there are even instances of politicains in opposite parties redrawing adjacent voting districts to help ensure both of them have an easier time staying in power.
If that isn’t a rigged system I don’t know what is.
Sounds like a good read if your blood pressure can take it.
I’ve heard of gerrymandering to help one party or the other but not by both parties to retain the status quo. :mad:
Nothing is going to change until all the politicians are fired and fired again until they start doing what they are elected to do, but that’s part of the problem too, they are doing what the special interest groups tell them to do, then they are propped up for another term.