Upper half of 1991 home had this type of wall covering with damage in a couple areas. I wonder if this might be EIFS however typically the foam is attached to OSB using approved adhesive followed by cement type base coat etc. However when I was in the attic the wall structure was not OSB and had stickers that stated “Siding Panels.”
Hard for me to tell from that picture but there was a 4x8 siding product kind of a Masonite product as I recall that was used about that time,…usually finished off with a lot of wood trim to give a tudor look,…terrible product if misture got to it in any way…had to keep it well caulked and painted or you had lots of trouble with it swelling and crumbling…jim
It looks like this. Hardboard.
http://www.topproducerwebsite.com/users/19530/downloads/Masonite%20siding%20fact%20sheet.pdf page 5
I believe it is Hardboard siding. What verbiage would you use on the report?
you go first
Siding throughout the exterior appears to be Masonite Hard Board type which is known to be problematic particularly when not properly maintained. Siding shows signs of deterioration in one or more areas. Recommend evaluation and repairs/replacement by a qualified contractor prior to close.
Your turn.
Can I? Can I? Yours is probably better, but I’ll start.
Hardboard siding is not real wood siding and is a high maintenance siding. It must be continuously monitored. All seams be must remain sealed and paint must be applied periodically, especially the lower courses at ground and other contact levels.
Oops, Vince was posting when I was typing.
Hey I appreciate the help.
Staccato board though I am not sure of the spelling.
Cheap imitation stucco look alike siding.
Lets make the spelling be stuccato.
No problem, I’m sure you would help. I’ve ran across different styles of hardboard a few times. Usually on homes built in the 70’s
Is that the Italian version? :mrgreen:
I am not at liberty to discuss that here!
I posted this same question on this board about a year or two ago.
This is the verbiage I kept.
I call it stuccato Board, it is made out of a masonite material with the stucco look. It should be kept painted and holes or nail pops should be sealed, it will suck water and swell.
My post is #24.
Read the whole thread that David posted.
I remember that one now.
I would re-word the red part to “Production of this product was discontinued due to numerous lawsuits claiming that it is prone to premature failure. Frequent maintenance may be necessary to prevent water intrusion and deterioration.”
I learned to go this route with narratives when I had an angry homeowner threatening to sue me for “killing the deal” because they thought my FPE narrative was “inflammatory”. Also had a realtor berate me over the phone for “being an alarmist” and told me that he would bad mouth me for my “lack of professionalism” because my narrative stating that the chimney with obviously excessive corbelling and very sloppy masonry joints (could see right through them in many spots “was a serious health, structural and fire hazard” without elaborating on why it was hazardous. I’m sure the realtors and sellers hate this approach just as much but I haven’t gotten any of these calls since. I wonder why … :sarcasm: