Originally Posted By: clawrenson
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There are several different approaches that you might take. Review what others have done, use references from text sources, or purchase an inspection reporting system.
1) I have found through online web searches a number of sample inspection reports that might be used as reference.
2) I have invested in quite a few text books but several that come to mind with checklist styled references include: Home Inspection Handbook by John Traister (Craftsman), Inspecting a Home or Income Property by Jim Yuen (Ten Speed Press), or The Complete Book of Home Inspection by Norman Becker (McGraw Hill).
3) There are numerous report systems on the market - binder styled with checklist, or one similar but a combination of checklist with narrative. Than again you can go computer based too.
Options 1 and 2 above take many hours of time to develop your own - but are customized to you and your comfort level. Option 3 generally provides time and experienced tested reports from experts in the field.
When I first started I created a Wordprocessing boiler plate, later switched to the Carson Dunlop Report system (that cost about $50.00 per report), and later swithched to the Your Home Report system, which cost approximately $16.00 per report. Nowadays after investing in computers and printers - I can get that cost down to under $5.00 per report using software such as 3D Inspection systems.
Several of these texts as noted above will help provide you with a systematic means to perform the inspection and provide you with a checklist of inspection items pertaining to the system discussed.
The possibilities of changing over the lifespan of your home inspection business can vary significantly. So research will pay off - if you invest before jumping into any "glitzy" reporting system. Bottom line your report is important but the information and accuracy of your report will keep you away from trouble. The report is only as good as the knowledge and accuracy of the inspector completing it!
Regards, Claude in Windsor Ontario
Ontario Home Inspections Inc.