Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is from an old house in Miami.
First, though, a brief background on those old water heaters. The water heaters were installed in the attic, in a fake chimney (or next to a real chimney in a large fake chimney enclosure). A metal chimney cap flashing was installed over the water heater and chimney.
This was the second generation solar water heater. There was no electric, gas, or anything to those water heaters. They would just heat up in the sun and provide enough hot water for limited use 'way-back-then'.
I say "second generation" solar water heaters because the first generation solar water heaters were just water tanks mounted on the roofs, painted black, so they would get hotter faster. The second generation solar water heater was actually enclosed in the structure.
This device is from one of the second generation solar water heaters, and was an attempt to provide hot water on non-sunny days (what are they?  ). I guess you could call this a 'booster heater'.
Originally Posted By: tgardner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I made one of those to make steam for a steam box to bend wood. Mine was a little more crude. – I put a sight glass on it to sight the water level and had no valve on the outlet to prevent pressure buildup. Worked like a charm.