Originally Posted By: Jim White This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have seen alot of topics covering Spa GFCI/ Disconnects for spas that are installed outdoors, but are the requirements the same for spas that are installed indoors?
Do you still need to have a disconnect within sight (no closer than 5’) of the spa and are the gfci requirements the same?
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The GFCI requirements are the same(680.44). Basically the only spas that don’t need GFCI are ones that are integral (common bonded) to the pool, spas on 3 phase, or field assembled spas with greater than 50a/240v input. This GFCI can be internal to the spa or skid pack if it is all part of a listed self contained unit.
By "within sight disconnect" do you mean the switch/plug that disconnects power so you can service the unit?(680.12) That basically comes from the motor rules and stays the same no matter what you have.
The emergency safety shutoff (680.41) is not required for single family spas
Of course you may still have a state/local law that strengthens that rule