I posted this else where, however I do not think it is visible. It is now removed. I apologize for those of you that may be seeing this twice.
Good day to all! I had an inspection at the end of July and called out a few things in the panel as needing addressed. The first picture is of a poor splice in the bottom of the panel. I was questioning it due to the sloppy nature. As I understand it, this type of splicing can be done inside of the service panel, if done properly. Please Correct me if I am wrong.
I was then called out to do a re-inspection, yesterday, and found that the electrician corrected the splice, with what appears to be a crimped connection and then a heat-shrink sleeve. I believe this to be acceptable, however I am just looking for confirmation of this. Can anyone give me their thoughts on any of this that I have explained here, or anything that they see otherwise? I did call out that the same wires related to my concerns were marked with black electrical tape, noting they are hot, when they were not actually. That was removed, although not well, and no longer was present at the re-inspection. Thanks in advance to all of you. I hope you all are staying safe and also that you have a great weekend!
Although the original splice was ugly there is no way one could tell one way or the other if it were good or bad based on what is visible to the eye. Since there is no sign of overheating or damage IMO it looks just fine. You might remove the tape and it falls apart. I’m not picking on you but as a general practice do HI’s call out every splice for evaluation by an electrician or was there something here that caught your eye?
The sloppy tape job is what stood out to me. I looked as though a “handyman” had maybe worked on it, especially since there were other issues that, in my opinion, were not indicative of a professional electrician’s work. The tape job certainly did not look like it was done by a professional electrician. Had it been taped properly, I would have looked past it with ease. My main question was if the latter fix was acceptable or not. Thanks for the input.
I hear you, it’s a judgement call based on other things that you saw so only you can decide if it’s worth reporting. If that was the only issue I would not bother to mention it.
Regarding your other question about the fix, it looks fine but who knows what’s under the heat shrink. Did that use the correct size splice connector and did they use the correct crimper to make the splice? Also is it solid wire? Not all crimps are listed for both solid and stranded conductors.