Square D Double-Tap Location

I’m aware that these Square D breakers are rated for two wire connections. Question: Can both connections be made on one side of the screw terminal or should they only be made on either side of the screw terminal? Any of you electrical gurus out there tonight? :slight_smile:

Sorry, no arrows in my photo. Top breaker, left column contains the two wires below the screw.

McCahill Inspection 031 (Small).jpg

Not both same side, one on each side of the screw .
The picture is incorrect .
Roy Cooke

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Thanks Roy. What’s wrong with the picture? Poor composition or something? I think you meant the installation is incorrect. :wink:

you are right I meant the picture with the two wires on the one side of the screw is incorrect . Sorry I am a little tired . Roy Cooke

Me too Roy. I’ve been skipping my morning walks. Really helps with stamina late in the day.

I worked for a Square D electrical distributor for 22 years and the Square D rep is a personal friend. He says QO and Homeline breakers are rated for only on wire period. Just because the wire can go on either side of the tab does NOT make it rated for two wires.

I hate to disagree with your rep, but this type of breaker is marked, and listed for two conductors.

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Jack, I am surprised your rep said this as well.
It is widely know they can take two wires.

Ok I went to the Square D office this morning and we checked the cat. QO and Homeline breakers 10 to 30 amp, single and double pole can have (2) 14-10 gauge wire. All 3 ploes and other sizes can only have one.

Jeff, Thanks for disagreeing and Jack thanks for checking. Now, back to original question and photo. I wrote that one of the wires should be relocated to the correct side of the screw.

The wires have to be on seperate sides of the screw.

As Jack stated, these must be on opposite sides of the screw. In addition, the conductors must be the same size.


Yes, the newer Sq D is rated for (2) conductors (One on either side ) like in the picture we had last weekend. Just make sure they are seated correctly into the breaker and not angled or cross seated and it is fine.

Thanks for chiming in everyone. Good points Paul. Until next time…

I was just in a class and the instructor was discussing double taps. I stated unless the breaker is rated for 2 conductors. The instructor told me in no uncertain terms I was crazy. I knew of the SQ D breaker. I have viewed this thread. Does anyone have a spec sheet? I have looked at the SQ d website and can’t find anything Thanks

From ESA, Ontario re my query as to double taps.

    I am answering your question by splitting it into two questions. 
  1. Does the code prevent terminating two conductors to a single branch circuit breaker?
    The code does not prevent connecting two conductors to a single branch circuit breaker provided that the breaker is approved for that purpose. As you suggest, the Square D 15 - 30 amp single pole Type QO breaker is approved for the termination of two conductors.
  2. Does the code prevent using a branch circuit panelboard enclosure as a junction box or a raceway?
    The code states that the enclosure shall be permitted to be used as a junction box if wiring is being added to an enclosure forming part of an existing installation and the conductors, splices and taps do not fill the wiring space at any cross-section to more than 75% of the cross-sectional area of the space.
    Ontario Electrical Safety Code Rules 2-034, 12-3034.

Code Specialist
Electrical Safety Authority
ESA encourages the use of Licensed Electrical Contractors.
All electrical work requires a Certificate of Inspection from the Electrical Safety Authority.
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:raymond.wand@sympatico.ca]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: ESA email contact form

emaillist: yes
Client name: Raymond Wand
Client e-mail: raymond.wand@sympatico.ca
Client phone: 519-942-9496
phone: 519-942-9496
comments: Two weeks ago I sent a question in via this contact form. I never did receive a response to question lett alone an receipt that this contact form was receive.
My original question was regarding double taps in residential electrical panels, whether they are permitted or not. The ESCode states they are not, but I have been seeing many double taps and there has been a ESA sticker on the panel. I am also aware that Square D breakers allow two wires, but what is ESA opinion?
Thank you.
Raymond Wand

I had our ESA inspector tell me last week that Stab-lok with double tap of 14 ga and 18 ga. was okay (from more than one ESA inspector). But if you are familiar with Stab-lok you will know there is no way the terminal plate will make contact with 18 ga if 14 ga is under the terminal. I think they are really wrong to permit double taps with Stab-lock especially with two different sized wires. Fwiw.

The breakers rated for double taps require the conductors to be on the same gauge and material for the ones I’ve seen.

I think ESA if full of bull. The double taps I have been seeing of late have 18 ga. door bell transformers and 14 ga.

But if they are the AHJ, what can you do? NOTHING;-)