Starting point for my education and certification

Hello all, I wanted ask other members advice on how to proceed. I am a graduate of Carson Dunlop Home Inspection training and have not been actively involved in education or training since 2021. I would like to get back into the game and decided to join InterNACHI.
Admittedly I am quite rusty in a few areas and would like to refresh my education before moving forward. What are your thoughts

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Read a few threads here and ask some questions to get an idea just how rusty you are, maybe take a couple of the shorter CE units in each of the main subjects (roof, electrical, plumbing, etc.) to see where you’re at. By far the best thing I’ve ever done to learn is just hang out on these boards and read firsthand about what others are finding in the field and how they report. Books and classes are fine and necessary but are really all just theoretical.



Hi, If you’re of a mind, grind through the CPI process. It will certainly refresh anything you’re rusty on.

Some of it will come back, some will be new. If nothing else, you’ll know you’ve done the minimal level of education.

As Matt mentioned, hang out on the boards and read. I’m new this year and while I’m sorta old IRL and have been around the trades for 30+ years, there are nuances I pick up all the time.

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Thanks Matt

Thanks Mark, I’ll try to be more active on the forum

You might want to take the “Online Inspector Exam” that is the final exam for all InterNACHI trainees to become certified. You can take it anytime… It is divided into sections (topics) that will let you know if and where you may need to take refresher courses.

Thanks Brian, that seems logical and a great place to start