Strategic Asset Services looking to hire InterNACHI inspectors.

InterNACHI Inspectors Wanted
Job opportunities across North America

Strategic Asset Services, LLC is a commercial property inspection company providing inspection services to major commercial lenders throughout the country, utilizing a team of part-time employee inspectors working from their homes. We specialize in securitized real estate, which requires typical annual inspections of the loan collateral. Our inspections are of a more limited scope and represent a “random sampling” of the overall property, including exterior/interior common areas, a select number of occupied/vacant units and roof/mechanical areas.

We have found that this opportunity provides an appealing source of additional income for home inspectors, who have a strong foundation in major components, making them well qualified to assess the general physical condition of a property. This does not require someone experienced in commercial properties, only an individual able to note typical signs of deferred maintenance.

The following intangible benefits make this an appealing option:
• Very flexible schedule with deadlines averaging 2-6 weeks
• Bi-weekly paycheck with direct deposit available
• Exposure to the commercial real estate industry and all commercial property types
• Networking opportunities
• Potential opportunity to do more work during slower home inspection periods

We have successfully hired many certified home inspectors throughout the country who would be happy to attest to our business integrity, as well as the support provided to our team. Please refer to the InterNACHI Message Board for comments from some of our excellent home inspector employees.

Although we have immediate openings for the territories posted on our job board, we would welcome responses from interested inspectors in any territory. We are growing rapidly and may well have opportunities available in other areas in the near future.

If this would potentially be of interest to you, please visit our job board here

You can also contact us at or 949-713-5040, and we can discuss the opportunity further. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Paid at $16.00 per hour at inspection and $12.00 travel

Some want to pay McDonald’s workers that much or more.

I work for Strategic as an independent. Nice group to work with, they have always paid on time.

These inspections take 45 - 90 minutes,

I did 32 inspections for them last year.

They just hired a guy in my area, which put me out of work for them

How much did an inspection pay on average?

Most of Strategic inspections include apartment buildings
I have also done Retail offices, and stores.

Normal Request is:
SCOPE OF WORK: The attached Property Form and 40-50 photos
3% of occupied (min 5/max20) and 20% of vacant units (min 3/max 20) plus all DOWN units. It is required you send 1 or 2 photos (not including deferred maintenance) from each unit inspected (mix of living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom etc.).

The most units have have had to look at on a single property was 24.

Pay rates have been from $100 - $160 per assignment.

My understanding that they usually start an area with an independent inspector until they can get someone hired hourly.

When I worked for them, 4 to 5 years, up until middle of last year the pay was a minimum $100 per complex (up to 5 units), plus $25 travel fee. I averaged $150-$175 per job. Often schedule 2 or 3 for same day. It took about an hour on site, taking lots of photos, another 30-45 minutes filling out spread sheet. It was really easy.

Apparently they hired someone else in my area also, for less pay, since they haven’t contacted me in over six months. Which is fine with me because I’ve been as busy as I can be this year.


So, basically, $50/hr. :neutral:

That’s about right. An extra 4 to 5 k per year. In 2014 I did 29, averaging just under 150. And the majority were done between November and January when home home inspections are generally a little slow. I guess they got wise and found cheaper help. Which is kind of ironic considering the majority of places I looked at were multimillion-dollar complexes.

I just got off the phone with someone from SAS and they were looking specifically for someone from InterNACHI. Spent 20 minutes on the phone with the lady and explained what you guys have posted. She said “$100 for 20 minutes with of work just taking pictures isn’t bad at all and you have 2 places to do so $200 for less than an hours work.” I drilled her for 15 out of those 20 with questions so I wasn’t getting scammed. There’s quite a bit of people in this forum that have had good and bad luck. I think I’ll try it out and see what happens. She’s sending the contracts tomorrow morning cause I said I wasn’t doing anything until I read the contracts and we both understand that I am in no way liable for anything that should come of this report she writes. I’ll let you know how this goes!

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Good luck, I really enjoyed and miss doing them. Easy work and great pay for the little bit of time it takes!