Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The closer view looks like those ground conductors might be okay over on the left side.
The ground terminal bar is not as dangerous there as one would first suspect. What is the FIRST thing to be connected? Hots? Neutrals? Grounds? The grounds should be connected first. Thus, they will be connected before any breakers are installed, making that area wide open (relatively speaking).
Of course, anyone working on the panel LATER will wish the ground terminal bar was located elsewhere.
Originally Posted By: dbozek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m a bit ole and the eyes seem to fail but it surely looks like there is a green bonding screw on the buss bar to the left, which also connects a bar to the other buss bar on the right. With neutrals on both bars even! Very interesting…for a subpanel…for the grounds should be separated from the neutrals and the neutral bar should not be bonded to the enclosure. However, the ground bar must be bonded to the enclosure. If ya ask me…this panel is wired wrong…but then what do I know
– You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they should and could do for themselves. Abraham Lincoln
Originally Posted By: dbozek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
After further inspection I’d say that screw on the top of the left buss is a bonding screw. I would have to be up closer though to verify that. I am just comparing it to the buss on the right…something does not seem kosher there. I agree with Jerry that the location of the ground bar is a bit hairy…but then that is why all my screwdrivers are taped
– You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they should and could do for themselves. Abraham Lincoln