I was just wondering if PVC pipe with pre-drilled holes along the base of the PVC pipe draining into a sump pump is considered a standard material or should the PVC pipe be a solid piece of PVC?
Are you talking about the discharge line? Once in a while I come across PVC with holes that are drilled at the base/near the float mechanism. This is done to allow for proper function of the check valve. Was there an air gap at the exterior?
If you see water shooting out of the PVC pipe situated at the top of the pump (while operating sump pump), that is quite normal. It is usually below the check valve.
This is a “relief ” hole which allows trapped air to escape from the pump and prevents air-locking the sump pump. Failure to have this hole drilled is what has caused many sump pumps to fail pumping after long periods of inactivity such as seasonal use.
Sadly, the pictures did not come out very well. The holes were actually in the PVC pipe behind the sump wall, beneath the house concrete. I noticed that there was a slow trickle of water entering the sump below the PVC pipe while I was onsite.
It was a PVC pipe located under the foundation of the house which drained into the sump inside the basement of the house. The pictures of the holes didn’t really come out well, but, below the the PVC pipe in question.
Below are some pictures of the pipe as it entered the sump pump. The area of the pipe in question is hidden from view below the concrete.
Ohhhh. That’s a perforated PVC pipe. I’m surprised to see this there as it should be a solid PVC pipe (with no holes). That pipe should be conveying water into the sump hole, but (it being perforated) allows the conveyed water to leach into the grading around the sump hole before it even gets to the sump hole. I’m willing to bet that this is a pipe that was left over and they simply used it up.
If the sump wall is perforated, it’s really not a big deal because the excess moisture in and around the grading will leach into this sump hole eventually.
In this situation, water was tricking into the sump during the inspection from below the pipe. The hole around the pipe entering the sump was not well sealed, so the water was entering the sump below the pipe and not from the pipe itself.
I didn’t think that was the most appropriate material to use for the pipe, but, I wanted to get all of your opinions, for the sake of the client. The client is working with the builder to correct this situation. This house was built in 2008.
Perforated pipe is installed so it will allow the water (inside the pipe) to disperse after it has been conveyed away from the home from a solid pipe. A Drywell installation is where most perforated pipes are utilized.
When perforated pipe is installed leading to a sump area of a basement, this pipe would be useless because it’s leaching and dispersing the collected water around the perimeter of the sump hole itself, and causing the basement to remain moist/humid. It would be best to have all water within this pipe (that is running through a basement) fully conveyed into the sump hole for immediate removal to the exterior. Not leaching throughout the basement or crawlspace.
I never mentioned perimeter piping. Re-read my post. I know perimeter piping must have the perforations. How the hell is the water going to get conveyed away from the footing area?
I’m simply referring to the piping under the basement floor…
I think the OP should give some more info as to :
how far from the perimeter of foundation to sump?
does this perforated pipe possibly connect to perimeter drainage system?
If this perforated pipe is connected to perimeter drainage system I believe it should not be perforated as that will just help erode the soil due to leakage into what should be compacted soil under the slab. A non-perforated line would allow all perimeter drainage liquid collected to flow uninterrupted into sump and then discharged.
If the perforated pipe is really to collect water from under the slab should there not be more than one?