T1_T11 siding inspection question

If I go by normal siding install, then the siding should go all the way up to the soffit. I swear I saw somewhere in the classes that there should be a 1"-1.5" gap. which one is right? I cannot find any home inspection video on what to look for on T1-T11 siding.

T1-11 is the precise name and to get super-technical what’s pictured is just vertically grooved plywood siding not T1-11. The T1-11 type has a 1" groove (or low spot) than an 11" high spot. Anyway, I know that’s more than you asked but I like to use the correct terms. The siding should run all the way up to the soffit and is usually covered by a trim board to obscure any imperfections with the edge. The gap you are thinking of is likely at the bottom above flashing or other materials. 1-1.5" is a bit much IMO. That’s more like a clearance over hard grade or roof (usually 2" for those). Above flashing at a window? .5" or so is what is what typically see.

Edit: Just did some research and see that OP’s siding is, in fact, called T1-11. I guess what I said can be used as a history lesson as to how it got that name :slight_smile:


What’s that white pipe (I guess?) sticking out on the right for… … … :grinning:

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So now it sorta looks like a hose supply pipe with a clamp on it… … … …

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That is the water spicket


The gap just needs to be covered with some trim. It was likely a restriction based on the length of the panels. Not an intentional gap, just a result of using 4x8 sheets.

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Nothen in this house is right. The guy who owned it prior to me thought he could do everything himself instead of the right way.

That’s called “job security” for us inspectors, lol.



Apparently this guy wasn’t aware they make 10 foot sheets of the stuff.

My prior home in NJ was sided with the stuff. I was looking for a picture of the top of the siding, but this will do. Taken while we were finishing up construction.

As a note, I primer’d both sides of the sheets and then painted the house. That was a LONG day with 40+ 4x10’ 75lb sheets strewn about the yard getting painted.