Talk about an electrocution hazard

This plug was connected to two breakers in the main panel. Wow!

Was the homeowner even aware of the dangers?

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They used it to back feed the panel with a generator.


Yes very dangerous which is why the NEC requires an interlock. At least the breakers were off.


Common homeowner backfeed special :slight_smile: Roy did you give it a lick test :star_struck:

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Yep! Wanted to get a little tingle… :star_struck:

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Yep, It will make your toes wiggle. :flushed:

240 volts on damp earth will likely kill you. :smirk:

now there’s a cheerfull thought…

Sorry about that but the title of this thread is electrocution hazard.

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There is a reason they are called suicide cords.

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Yes sir, it needs a lockout on the breaker… :flushed:

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At least the breakers were in the off position. The normal way I’ve seen it done, although still a deficiency, is to have the breakers wired to the female plug, requiring the double male ended cord to be plugged into the receptacle and generator after turning off the main breaker.

Highly unusual and dangerous as can be.
1: All circuits are energized leaving the panel over current protection that breaker ampacity. Looks like a 15 Amp breaker.
2: When the power returns from the POCO you would have extra surge voltage on the bus bars from 2 different streams.
If there is a power failure you would have to first lockout the main disconnect and reverse the procedure and lock out the back feed when the power returns.

Thanks, Roy.

We see open generator connections quite often. Lucky yours had the breaker off. This one had all kinds of warning labels and still the tenant turned on the breaker. The client submitted the 4 Pt and the insurance company cancelled his policy until an electrician installed a transfer switch.

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Great observations sir.

Gee, I wonder if it was a homeowner install? LOL!

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Frank Carr’s The Best!


Thank you @ryoung7 you have been a source of inspiration for years!

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