I’m just waking up from standing watch into the early morning hours. [size=2]
I have yet to assess the damage that stretches from Memphis, almost to Knoxville from just one super cell.
My thoughts and prayers went out to all of you guys and gals as all I could do is sit and watch and monitor wave after wave of storms pass by many of you I chat with on this board.
Please log in and let us know you’re all right or need any help!
David… It’s great to hear you are all right. The storm did weaken quite a bit as it moved into Knoxville, but it was still nerve racking. The last I heard there were 22 fatalities in Tennessee alone. I knew we had some storms coming, but I have to say I did not expect the severity of this one.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Tennessee especially those who lost someone.
I’m here…We had major hits on either side of our town - but thankfully no tornadoes hit here. What we DID have was major lightning. 3 houses in different places were struck & burned, one about 1/4 mile from me. Lightning struck an old oak tree right behind my house & it exploded - literally! I thought a gas line had exploded it shook my house so hard.:shock:
The biggest piece left (I can find) of the trunk is aboout 6 ft long by 16 inches wide. This old oak tree measured about 4 ft diameter across it’s trunk before the storm.
We’ve been without power today due to downed power lines.
There is a patrol car missing in Hardin County, they still have not found. The deputy had it parked in his drive & the house next door was demolished, but his home was untouched except the missing car.
I went & helped get people settled into shelters & try to help save a few belongings in Hardin county today & the debris is scattered at least 15 miles this side of where the actual damage was done. I saw one guys house had a boat in his living room & he has no idea who the boat belongs to. No one in his sub-division had one.
Yes it was bad, I was up around midnight getting water out of the house from the straightline winds. There was alot coming in, but I can see no damage to the residence. I am going to go on the roof tommorrow, b/c it rained all day, and even had some very small hail pellets. Jackson was hit hard, union university was very blessed to get out alive. Jackson is about an hour from me.
Good to hear from you Ben!
Jackson is right between us!
I had no damage here but some roof tin I didn’t get secured the other day when I was re-working a couple old barn roofs. We had straight liners last week that pruned all the trees of the weak and dead stuff (closed roads and cut power), so there was little tree damage this go-round.
My inspection today up around Old Hickory Lake was cancelled due to structure damage.