anyone doing them…as trec inspectors?
Do you need added training to do them?
and where do you obtain the form to “certify or deny them”
thanks Bryon Parffrey
anyone doing them…as trec inspectors?
Do you need added training to do them?
and where do you obtain the form to “certify or deny them”
thanks Bryon Parffrey
Are you talking HUD roof certs, windstorm certs, or something else?
Unless you have roofing in your background IMO I would tell you NOT to cert a roof…once you cert it, it becomes your baby…if it leaks YOU have to fix it ect…Here in CA you have to have a c-39 to cert a roof not sure what TX wants?
Roofers are not licensed or regulated in Texas (neither are homebuilders, bricklayers, carpenters, stucco contractors, etc… well, you get the point.)
The only “roof certification” we have is through the Texas Dept. of Insurance (TDI) in first tier coastal counties (counties that touch the Gulf of Mexico) via a WPI-8 certificate. This is for new roof installations or repairs.
The WPI-8 certificate means an approved windstorm engineer is putting his professional engineering seal on a piece of paper (state form) to certify to the state of Texas that the roof was inspected (by him or assign) during the installation/reapir and is installed according to the manufacturers installation instructions and any high wind guidelines of the (TDI).
I have seen a real estate sales person provide a letter from “Johnny Fly-by-Night Roofer” on a 12 year old roof that needed replacement that said the roof had another 5 years or more life in it. She was trying to convince the buyer the roof didn’t need replacement.
When the dust settled (before closing) the buyer got a new roof and it wasn’t the seller that paid for it.
Along our 14 first tier coastal counties (and inland) a composition roof may last 12-15 years due to heat, environmental conditions, etc. The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (the insurer of last resort) has a hard time with 15 year old shingles (regardless of what the alledged shingle warranty is). In many cases we seen owners get letters to replace 15 year old roofs at time of insurance renewal in order to continue insurance. Insurance companies actually send out people (inspectors) every year on lists of homes about 3 months before hurricane season (or renewal). Sometimes you get a letter that an inspector is coming by or they do the visual confirmation from the street. It’s fairly easy to see how old a roof is along coastal counties. Roofs have a dated certificate on file of when replaced/repaired. If no certificate is on file then it is either old as dirt or did not get or a pass inspection. Only an approved windstorm engineer (P.E.) can fill out the form for certification. If you are a H.I. along the coast and you miss this understanding of windstorm certifications then good luck to you.
In the past structures were caught with bad inspections or bogus certificates (the state really checks on these things now days). The P.E.'s were kicked out of the program and turned over by TDI to the State Board of professional Engineers for disciplinary action. OUCH ! What happens at this point is the owner of the property lost or can’t get a WPI-8 certificate (aka: insurance). One lawyer letter is all it takes and new roofs get installed within 30-60 days.
After I book a inspection I find out what WPI-8’s are available for many reasons other than the roof.
ICC/IRC Combination Code Certified Inspector (Residential Combination R-5)
***International Code Council (ICC) Residential Building Inspector
***International Code Council (ICC) Residential Electrical Inspector
** International Code Council (ICC) Residential Mechanical Inspector
International Code Council (ICC) Residential Plumbing Inspector
Legacy Southern Building Code Congress International - SBCCI Combination Code Certified
Texas Dept. of Insurance - Property Inspector 16708061031
Texas Real Estate Commission Professional Inspector 1646
Texas Residential Construction Commission Inspector 1590
Member of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors
Brian, I am with you all they way. If you would like to meet up and discuss on how to make this happen, I’m 100% in, I have been dying to make this happen, with some great online marking strategies, let’s see if Texas is ready to become a license contracting state.
To answer your question, well if you was to look back at your 2006 or 2009 (R903.5) “Hail Exposure Map”, and turn your years to 2015, BAM, the map is gone, and do you remember a small section refered in your 2006 R908.3.1.1 Roof re-cover not allowed where: " 4) For asphalt shingles, when the building is located in an area subject to moderate or severe hail exposure according to Figure R903.5. " What happen is that you have some special interest groups jump in and vote these sections out and nobody defending the to keep it in. Texas has been so bad with fly-by-nighters that the ICC has made an attempt on making Texas safe and we should get a group together and bridge that gap.
Here you go, if you was to look up “State of Texas Contractor/ Trades Examination Information Bulletin”, published on April 1st, 2016 and turn to page 2 “SUMMARY OF BULLETIN CHANGE”, Revision dated June 30, 2015 “Added note that 764 Roofing Contractor exam to be retired in October”. On that publication was left 204 Texas General Building Contractor and 206 Texas Residential Building Contractor.
Keep in mind that they have a National Program too that they offer as a basic W12 National Standard Building Contractor (B), W13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor © and W14 National Standard Roofing Contractor/ Subcontractor on pages 19 & 20
This is the most heartbreaking news, so many of my clients have been stiffed by contractors as a Public Insurance Adjusters and Residential Building Inspector, pretty sad that Texas has not moved forward on the change.
Look me up if you want to chat - Eric