He won’t last for he is no Pharma Boy or War Pig unlike his predecessors Obama/Biden. The DNC (and media cartel) has no place for him for they need to keep their war chest full.
“Do whatever you have to do,” she tells them. “Just win, baby.” Nancy Pelosi 2018
First off if were going to discuses war pigs then I find it insincere that you left out GWB the lives wasted and the amount of money pissed away on Iraq will probably be the last major invasion by America into Asia before the fall of civilization. Back to RFK Jr. don’t you think he’d simply be happier as a Republican, it looks like a duck, it walks like a duck and talk about quack.
When I referenced War Pigs, I intended only to illuminate the New Democrat Party which now embraces war, pharma and censorship…which is a far from the libertarian style Democratic Party which existed pre-Obama.
Maybe he should join the Republican Party since he did not leave the Democratic Party, they left him.
Pretty sure I’d never follow the advice or be convinced of the truthfulness of an anonymous video on a site called “banned.video,” with video links to topics like “A Brief History of Shape-Shifting Reptilians” in the sidebar.
Alex Jones (the principle of banned.video) predicted 9/11 in July of 2001, he’s been right about so many things since then. It’s a 5 min Greg Reese Report partly about a Doctor that uses IR Thermography to see blood clots in asymptomatic patients after they got jabbed. Check it out or not.