The Dirty Four

It would seem that the word about the “bad” non insurable panels is still slow to reach many people including electricians. We are in constant contact with agents on the front line. The dirty 4 are ;

FPE Federal Pacific




Anyone have anything else to add ?

Sometimes I’ve seen the Sylvanias labeled GTE

Your list of panels do not always take Stab lok breakers. The opinion on here about the Stab lok breakers differs greatly and has been argued many times. Careful about labeling all of these panels “bad” based off of manufacturer alone.

The “non insurable” must be a Florida thing

Yes it is.
It doesn’t matter what side of the fence the inspector is on, the insurance carriers consider them obsolete and/or bad.
Got nothing to do with the inspector.
They ask the buyer or it’s on the 4 point report.
They make the sole judgement.

It’s a regional thing, like FL or TX.

Bulldog pushmatic and fuses.

Some, of the insurance companies will not insure them in Iowa. I called one out a few years ago (Sylvania) on a friends house and they chose not to upgrade it. About a month ago they received a notice from their insurance company that any house with a panel containing Stab loc breakers will no longer be insured. I will have to ask her who her provider is.

In Florida we call these out. That is why I posted it. If I were you I would be careful about what you obviously don’t know.

Ah yes, those too and while rare they are still in service

In Florida we call these out. That is why I posted it. If I were you I would be careful about what you obviously don’t know.

But you posted this in the electrical section not the Florida section.

Yes I did. please excuse my error in not indicating that it’s a Florida issue ,however it is starting to be an issue in other areas.