Coffee can lid used as JBox…and also another light in shower stall…not only light but heat lamp/light/fart fan…nice eh?
Common Sense Rule- I would not install a recess light above a shower unless the light and so on is rated for WET LOCATIONS and has a moisture trim…important to note that even DRY locations can become DAMP locations…but thats another story.
Hopefully people have more COMMON SENSE than to change a light bulb in the middle of a shower…HOWEVER…now…I would love some other comments on this…BUT…
Art 410.4(D) lists what is not allowed within the 3’ x 8’ prohibited area directly past the threshold of the tub or shower area…SO with that said it does not apply to recess or surface mounted luminaires…
Also a TidBit…we install Recess Lights with Moisture Trims all the time in showers…perfectly allowed and fine.
Remember I am refering to NEC 2002…not 2005 as I don’t yet go into that until more areas have adopted it.
Now…a key here is also the requirement for luminaires in wet and damp locations SHALL BE installed in a manner that will prevent water from accumulating in any part of the luminaire. Also luminiares that are marked " suitable for Dry Locations Only" SHALL BE installed only in a dry location, luminiares marked " suitable for Damp Locations" can be installled in either damp or dry locations… and lastly luminaires listed for " Wet Locations" can be installed in Dry, Damp or Wet locations…
Ok…with that said…and I dont know this so bare with me…technically depending on the light installed…be it a heat lamp, light or what have you it may be fine…depending on the rating of the luminaire…
My Source - ME…Me…ME…ME…me…
Oh…and on the Coffee Can Lid…Yeah…what the heck…go ahead and write that one up…thehehehe…
Actually…another tidbit…a recess light installed over the shower does not have to be rated for Wet Location ( according to 2002 NEC )…but interesting however that putting a TRIM on it rated for Wet Locations is fine…we do it all the time…neat tidbit of info…I think…lol