The Sound of Freedom

Racing to a red light? :thinking:

:confused: :rofl: :smirk:

Why is it the left acts so elite and enlightened but act so dumb to every Republican statement?

No one would shoot immigrants. But a military presence could help secure the border from human trafficking, coyotes, cartels, drug smugglers etc. Basically, direct refugees to ports of entry and handle the law breakers accordingly.

Finally, this was an obvious reaction to Biden’s statement that Ukraine deserves a secure border. Because we obviously do not.

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These people are SICK.

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On a side note: At best, one out of ten drivers in Atlanta would be able to comprehend this road sign. We are still working on blinkers and one-way traffic lanes.


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Clapper testifies on tape about the FBI’s illegal wiretapping, entrapment, and blackmailing of Americans.


Help save the children website made by(?) or promoted by the HHS whistleblower that testified before Congress about the 85,000 known missing children the US government has trafficked into our nation. Many of which are used in the child sex trafficking going on daily.

Goto HHS and leave them a message to stop (them) trafficking children.

Save the Children.

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Former President Bill Clinton and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates are just some of the prominent figures anticipated to be featured in the report — after both were photographed with alleged Epstein victims.

Some portions will remain confidential, however, including people who were children when they were sexually abused by Epstein.

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Sound of Freedom near $250M worldwide… the pedos are being exposed. SAVE THE CHILDREN!

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