Todays findings

Man I wish I was an electrian & I could work on the house I inspect.

This house could be a week job at a large price.

Older 1957 house. Had FPE, Knob & tube, No GFCI, no grounding.

The pics are of some basic stuff. This is easy to inspect as everythings needs a sparky.

I like the stove. Reminds me of a old car. Still works.

I thought the nuetral wire attached to a clamp attached to a ground attached to the water faucet was a classic.


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Sweet photos. Don’t think you need to beat this one up, cracked receptacles, exposed wiring, FPE, no grounds, makeshift grounds, double taps, etc, etc, etc… defer to a qualified electrician for further evaluation/repair/replace. :wink:


lol…conflict of interest Dave…I see ALOT I can’t fix…and sometimes i see ALOT I dont want to fix…lol…and thank the LORD for that conflict of interest requirement…:slight_smile:

Paul hiding byhind his shield. :slight_smile:

Many times I see a home like this (wire to faucet junk) it’s an elderly couple who the “man of the house” was trying to follow the new tv instructions. Needs a ground. Then I’m quickly moved by the idea they didn’t have the money to pay someone to rip them off, or the knowledge some of the diy stuff was really dangerous. Now I just picked up a sick puppy and I’ll be busy nursing it to health again.


lol…thats right Tom…paint me as the inhuman electrician…lol…most have already…lol…I don’t care anymore…:slight_smile:

we are talking a bit more than YOUR example…but hey…good shot at me…who’s next…

Ha ha ha, inhuman electrician, is there any other kind?
