
Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I know the tub that I have in my bathroom has the overflow on the under side of the stopper lever so you can not see it. I am not sure about the sinks you are describing, thinking about it I have never seen one without it! ![icon_confused.gif](upload://qv5zppiN69qCk2Y6JzaFYhrff8S.gif)

I don't remember any code that states it has to be there although it is a good thing to have especially when you have children.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Although we may not like it, I cannot find a code requirement for sink overflows. Kitchen sink is a good example. Yes, I know that kitchens and bathrooms are different. Just cant find a code requirement that definitively calls for an overflow.

I guess the question which arises is whether you have ever seen a similar setup in new construction or an inspected renovation. The AHJ would have the final say on the matter.

When I find 'em, I do a good job of pointing it out to the Client that there is no overflow. I see this with ultra high-end fixtures, such as ceramic bowl sinks in wooden tables. These fixtures are really expensive and are made to look loke something you'd see in a western hotel in the 1800s. No overflow on them, either. The other question you have to ask yourself is with the sheer volume of the cultured marble sinks sold in every home center in the US, do you think they wouldn't comply with a code requirement? Hmmm...

Joe Farsetta

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: mpetner
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As an example, the Philadelphia Plumbing Code says this...
P-704.1 Control: "When any plumbing fixture is provided with an overflow, it shall be arranged so that water standing in the fixture can neither rise in the overflow when the stopper is closed nor remain in the overflow when the fixture is empty."

I didn't see any requirements that it has to be there.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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Joe H.

I say you wire the friggin stopper open so it can't be closed then you don't have to worry about the overflow or paying $1,900 to replace the sinks! ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Joe Myers