I hate vent boots like this one. It just looks amateurish. I know it’s not leaking now but this boot will eventually leak, right?
What do you guys do about boots like this? Do you call them out?
Thanks guys!
I hate vent boots like this one. It just looks amateurish. I know it’s not leaking now but this boot will eventually leak, right?
What do you guys do about boots like this? Do you call them out?
Thanks guys!
Include a picture along with your narrative?
Ok… Looks like I’m stealing your picture then. lol
Thank you very much.
Then there are these… https://youtu.be/MnQcExGaEvk
Great… Now I have to post about how to include youtube videos in my inspection report… Gonna be a long night.
So-o-o-o-o sorry! :razz:
I like Decktite flashings. However, the installation on that one looks horrible.