Have been hearing about an alternative method to mud jacking a foundation using a high density polymer resin instead of grout. The main company I find using this is called Uretek ICR, www.uretekicr.com .
Not really finding a lot about the method, company, success, etc., outside of the company’s WEB site. Has anyone had direct dealings with this method or researched it in any length? Looks to be a much better method than typical mud jacking or piers. It would be nice to hear first hand experiences though.
Lift Tech, a similar technology, has ads and testimonials on a local radio station but I’ve not heard anything good, bad or indifferent about them. I agree that it does sound intriguing and I would like to know more as well. Their website is http://www.lifttechtexas.com/
Thanks for the link. I am not only interested to learn about this but also as potential information for clients as alternatives to look into. I will try to contact both companies tomorrow and see if I can get more info from them.
Some of the problems with mud jacking is that it is so uncontrollable (can actually damage underslab utilities easily), takes extreme times for the grout to set, introduces heavy amounts of moisture where you don’t really want it and is highly prone to future settling. Have heard horror stories where mud jackers actually wiped out under slab utilities.
The foams look like an interesting idea and the expansion rate is suppose to be accurate and injection very controllable. But anyone that has ever used a product like “Great Stuff” (no kin to these foams but a good example and definitely fun to play with!!) and not been careful can see what the potentials are for damage with these jacking foams by their very nature and purpose. For example, while lifting one area of a slab the foam makes its way to an unknown and minor crack under a tiled section of floor. Would the pressure and lifting action literally lift the tile off the slab destroying it?? Many other unknowns and questions that the vendors don’t provide answers for on their site.
I would like to revisit this thread and see if anyone has heard of this method, company, etc. I have been asked by another with foundation concerns and they are planning to use this but have been unable to find any more information than I.
Has anyone had any experiences with this or know of anyone who has? Would they be willing to speak with a potential user of this method and explain their experience and/or knowledge?
Don’t know how I missed this the first time. I did see this type of leveling in action, albeit for sidewalks. I think they did sections of the parking lot as well but I didn’t personally see that being done.
Spent some time talking with the installers. They seemed pretty confident in their ability to control the amount of lift provided as well as the amount of weight they can move. What else are they going to say?
I watched them do a few sections and the lift was very controllable. The guy set up simplistic device to show how much he needed to lift. A hole was drilled where they needed to lift, then he stuck the nozzle in. He would pull the trigger a bit at a time until it started to move. Only a couple of times did he miss the mark and have to add a bit more. I didn’t see him ever lift too much, so my guess is he has a good feel for just how much to shoot.
In the end it seemed to expand and move the sections into virtually perfect alignment. Under a microscope my guess is they are pretty far off, but then perfection wasn’t really needed. Based on what I saw and remember, I would say they got somewhere between 1/32" - 1/16" on fairly consistent basis.
Do you have a local engineer you defer to for structural issues and repair recommendations. Sometimes the effectiveness and success of these types of repairs, and determining the best course of action, can be very dependent on local conditions.
Thank you for the response. What I am trying to obtain is feedback from anyone who may have experience with this method, whether it is just observation or direct dealings.
I got ya. Was just pointing out that the success or effectiveness of any soil pressure injection (lifting or stabilization) is highly dependent on soil conditions, which vary greatly from one area to another.
The system may work very well under certain soil conditions, and possibly work very poorly under different soil conditions. So look for people with local experience using that system, like local engineers and local foundation repair contractors. The manufacturer may even have a local representative you can contact if it is being used in your area.
Thanks for the insight. Being a PE would you be aware of any special forums, BB’s or sources of info where they may be discussing these various techniques and materials? I tried contacting the TX HQ for the company and can’t even get a response from them. Received the same with Uretek Worldwide. Does not make them a bad company, just a little lacking on response.
Uretek Worldwide ( http://www.uretekworldwide.com/cms/page.php?page_id=38 ) does have a considerable amount of technical information and some commercial studies on their site. However, it is always very enlightening to hear from actual users, other PE’s, etc., to hear their experiences. The end users generally see all the varied issues that do occur when this system is used.
I’ve been asked about this twice now and can only give references to highly technical information. Would be nice to see forum discussions on this somewhere.
Just discussions about pressure injection and materials in general for stabilization and lifting … nothing specific to that manufacturer. As a engineer I would handle that on a job-by-job basis. But as part of a home inspection, information about specific repair recommendations and materials is usually deferred to others, so it’s possible to keep the replies and recommendations generic, although having general knowledge about those things is useful.
Hi I am also looking for feedback on Uretek. We are in Melbourne, Australia. Our house has some massive cracks that run vertically up the walls in 4 parallel walls and also along the floor. The cracks have been viewed by an engineer and basically the trees around our house have been sucking the moisture out from the clay under the house, because of the prolonged drought we have in Melbourne. 9 years ago we had rising damp and had to instal dehumidifiers and fans to dry out under the house! The alternative and more traditional method to repair will be incredibly expensive. The Uretek quote is $7000. I have trawled the internet and cannot find any comments, good or bad on the subject. Would love to get some feedback of any sort… many thanks. Nicola.
I was doing a bit of research since I am looking at getting in to this. I do know about the spray foam insulationa and roofing systems with this being pretty close to them. What they use is polyurethane foam that is a slow rise and closed cell with high density. Based on the rise rates they mention it looks to be about a 6lb foam meaning it weighs about 6lbs per cubic foot density. Normal closed cell insulation foams are about 2lb and roofing is about 3lb so it should be very stable under weight then.
Other thoughs are that it will flow and will find cracks just like if you pumped a heavy cream so very small spots wouldn’t be filled but most any of concern would. It also would have a good chance of lifting tile if there is a crack like was mentioned earlier. That would mean just replacing the tiles lifted if they broke or placing them back if not. The foam will cut and trim without any special tools and should be easy to make level with the rest of the surface.
Now, would I use it on my own home which really is settled a bit and could use it? Yes without a doubt since it would work well based on my understanding of foam, the process and also construction. Hopefully this helps people and if I manage to get in to it like I am planning with the expansion on my company, i will try to report back the results for people to have on the board with an honest evaluation on it.
I am a general manager of a URETEK ICR division. There are a total of 36 divisions in the US. I just so happened to run across this page in search of another topic and would like to address each question individually.
Emanual Scanlan: Our method is more effective than cementitious grout for several reasons.** 1.)** cementitious grout utilizes a mix ratio as does most cement products, meaning that if there is any unknown water under the foundation or around the infrastructure, the mix ration will be defective. 2.) There is also a shrinkage factor to be take into account. Once cementitious grout is injected into the ground it will shrink at least 1/2" when the moisture inside the cementitious grout leaves the grout. 3.) Cementitious grout is injected at a high pressure, relying on the pressure it is injected in to generate a lift, whereas polyurethane is low pressure, relying on the expansion of the polymer to generate the lift. Polymer is a slower, safer product to lift with especially in our swimming pool market. 4.) The weight introduced from cementitious grout on to a already burdened soil is extreme. Cementitious grout will cause more settlement from the weight whereas foam is extremely light weight with the same structural properties.
Emmanuel, I would be more than happy to answer all questions or concerns regarding high density polyurethane. Feel free to email me at travisb@uretekicr.com, or call at 281-894-4990.
Hi Nicola, Because we find ourselves in a similar situation I would like to inquire, did you find any reviews on Uretex. Did you eventualy have uretex inject to left foundations, if so, have the works being successful. Has there been any resettlement with cracks reappearing over time. Would appreciate any information and advice. Thank you. Colin
My name is Ty Taylor (VP of Marketing) at URETEK ICR. I’ve worked with URETEK ICR/USA for over 13 years and have worked with every process and material we have to offer along with working on, involved with, and documented hundreds of projects that have ranged from small driveways to massive distribution centers.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through the questions and responses to what others understand or have learned about our unique concrete lifting and soil stabilization solutions.
Our business is always exciting and full of new challenges. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding our processes and solutions.
In the meantime, our website is an excellent resource for information about our solutions.