Home inspector here and former builder apparently… that’s nice. All due respect, except on THIS subject.
Lots of CRAP in his article on leaky basements in my HONEST experienced opinion http://www.technihouse.com/pdfs/basements.pdf
Right off duh bat he claims, ‘homeowners can correct MOST leaking basements inexpensively’. hahaaaahahahaaaa Oh yeah? Ok, must be true if a HI and former builder says so.
If you read some of this one will see HE says, he incorrectly assumes most leaky basements can be ‘FIXED’ by either raising and sloping the grade or mudjacking, splashblocks etc etc, NONSENSE, bllllshtttt, incompetent crap by a NON EXPERT on…THIS subject. Jeezzzzzus
Look at my stinking videos and thousands of photos of leaky basements…and THINK if ya can. loool
You need to, LON needs to, find/identify/determine WHY–WHERE-HOW any basement leaks BEFORE recommending ANYTHING, especially all this crap/in article.
When basements leak (as in videos above) because there are 1+ exterior cracks in basement wall, and often other exterior openings (as in the same videos above) then how the holy hlll does mudjacking slabs or raising the grade or a splashblock or new gutters repair/waterproof any exterior crack (existing defect) in walls or ABOVE a basement wall!!
His article and thousands of other articles just like his, are mostly filled with incompetent bullshttt.
I’ll happily help any homeowner FIND their stinky azz problem, for free and it will have NOTHING to do with raising the grade or mudjacking or splashblocks!!!
Too many non experts have and continue to not only bullllshtt themselves but sadly bulllshttt unknowing homeowners
It certainly appears the only way to shut these non experts up on this subject is to sue them for their incompetent, negligent bullshtt, yes sir.