I had a call from a NY area code (from name and number above) requesting an inspection on a home this person had already (red flag) purchased for her mother. She/he told me they were hearing impaired and were only able to communicate via text or email. In the first conversation I was asked if I took credit cards (red flag) over the phone (red flag). The appointment was set and I was then asked if I would accept $6000.00 more than my inspection fee and pay off the previous owner (HUGH red flag). I was told the buyer paid only 85% of the home sale price (which sold on 10-5-2015 for $188,000.00, I checked) and needed to pay the balance of $6000.00. Do the math, 15% of $188,000.00 does NOT equal $6000.00. I texted back and explained that I never get involve with the financing. At that time I was told due to her health (surgery for hearing impairment) she would not be available for the inspection and could I please take the credit card number and pay the previous owner. I told her I would not risk my license and that ended the conversation. Obviously a scam, but be aware. I called the police but was informed that if I didn’t take the money than there was nothing they could do. Crazy world out there. I don’t have an extra $6000.00 to give away so please be careful.
I used to get those all the time. I just saved the phone number as a “block this caller” on my iphone. I am getting less and less of these marketing calls.
And a bigger and bigger blocked call list. I do the same for the “google” experts, home advisor etc.
Sandy, the same thing happened to me and they actually sent all the credit card information. Turned out to be for a 79 year old woman in Florida. I called Mastercard and they blocked the card and informed the owner.
Same here. Only it was an email from a ‘Mitchelle Romney’ with bad ears and, obviously, really bad grammar.
Actually, that’s a great idea. They’re trying to convert stolen credit card info to cash. If you take the info and report it to the card company, you can kill the card and save the owner some headache. If it happens enough, perhaps that will stop trying this play with home inspectors.
Started using the WhitepagesID app on my phone. You can blacklist numbers. It also shows numbers that have been reported as spam or scams.