IS it ok for the vent to not be sealed to the unit like this.
That’s what I thought the first time I saw the flexible B vent. But that connection is sealed and listed for that purpose.
What part do you find problematic?
Appears okay from here…
That is just a cover and has no other function.
Remove the front panel and take a look as it is connected to the inducer fan.
Recommend you take a heating course .
Thanks. I was fairly sure that it was sealed, but it is always nice to get a second opinion.
Looks fine to me, aaron.
edit ( oops You got an answer already)
Anyone have comments on the flex vent yet?
They make a double waled stainless flexible vent that is legal. I think this is that variety. similar to the product they re-line chimneys with.
Looks just fine.
How about this for a twist on it? Furnace had flex b-vent that snaked around inside the closet for about 6 foot before exiting to the attic where it was attached to b-vent in the attic with duct tape.