Water Heater in the Basement ...need advice

This residence is in Southern Calif…

Its a Water Heater installed in the basement.

The overflow pipe is discharging to the floor…( cement floor )
is that ok?

Vent pipe has about 1/2 clearance from the drywall…does it need
a heat collar?


Looks to me like exhaust is running down hill not allowed.

The white panel looks like Styrofoam need to be covered if it is and yes Exhaust is too close to wall paneling

Sorry I forgot the ( [FONT=Verdana][size=2]The overflow pipe is discharging to the floor…( cement floor ) is that ok? ) The answer is yes its OK [/size][/FONT]

Discharging to the floor is fine.

6" to combustibles for single exhaust vent is required. Call it out and move on.

Thanks for the advice…

I don’t see a sediment trap or cold water shut-off in that setup either.

Looks like a Rheem unit which requires sediment installation.

C vent piping requires 6 inches from combustables, some inspectors might concider the paper from the drywall to be combustable o be on the safe side cut back the drywall 6 inches. The relief vale piping to the floor is correct providing there is aleast 6 inchesa off the floor

I don’t believe that tape is allowed on the joints…3 screws per joint … so many things wrong …like everyone has said report and move on!