Originally Posted By: inspection This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi, I am very glad I found this site, and I would like to get input from all you expert.
I am in the process of buying a home, the inspection report shows in priority 2 section: "there is visible water intrusion at base of foundation wall in various places within crawlspace", and "visible water ponding in back yard, wood fence extends below water level". The house is about 4 years old, at boise idaho, and there was heavy rain on the inspection day.
Do you think it is a serious problem or fairly common problem? Will it cause mold in the long run?
You input is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!
1)condition: damp/standing water/muddy
2)drainage next to house: near level, moderate sloope, graded back toward house (in some area)
3)erosion: N/V, recommend: downspout extensions
Please let me know your opinion, how bad is the situation? The inspection was done in a day with heavy rain.
Originally Posted By: hgordon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
in the long run…it already is…evidenced by your inspectors note that there is ALREADY vertical cracks and the house is but 4 years old.
I may be off here, but if left unchecked...it will get worse.
So where do you go from here?
It is very hard for us here to offer you advise on a property that we cannot see or did not inspect first hand. My suggestion would be to contact the inspector and ask that he further state what should happen...in other words, it is very nice and properly reported that there are concerns, but what is his recommendation? I am not asking that he be asked to explain how to fix the problem, just who in his professional opinion should be contacted next to further evaluate and recommend possible further repairs so that you can be a further informed buyer.